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67 total results found

SID - Standard Instrument Departure


Um bei IFR Flügen Flughäfen mit dem System der Luftstraßen zu verbinden, werden vordefinierte Abflugrouten (engl.: Standard Instrument Departure - SID) genutzt. Diese führen von der jeweiligen Piste über Wegpunkte und/oder konventionelle Navigationsanlagen wie...


SID - Standard Instrument Departure


In order to connect airports with the airway system for IFR flights, predefined departure routes (Standard Instrument Departure - SID) are used. These lead from the respective runway via waypoints and/or conventional navigation facilities such as NDBs and VORs...


Klassifizierung von Instrumentenanflügen


Segmente eines Instrumentenafluges Arrival Segment: Dieses Segment stellt einen Übergang von der Enroutephase zur Anflugphase des Fluges dar. Initial Approach Segment: Dieses Segment beginnt mit dem Initial Approach Fix (IAF) und endet am Intermediate Fi...


Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ)

Luftrecht Lufträume

IFR An- und Abflüge erfordern eine erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit in der Umgebung der Flugplätze, weshalb an Plätzen mit IFR Verkehr sogenannte Radio Mandatory Zones (RMZ) eingeführt wurden. Diese sind Luftraumklasse G und damit unkontrolliert. Die AIP für Deutschlan...


Classification of Instrument Approaches


Segment of an instrument approach Arrival Segment: This segment represents a transition from the enroute phase to the approach phase of the flight. Initial Approach Segment: This segment begins with the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) and ends at the Intermed...


VFR in Airspace C/D


General To cross airspace C or D under visual flight rules, pilots always require clearance from air traffic control. The controller must observe a number of points. The aircraft must be identified (squawk) The flight route and altitude should not lead ...



Technical Knowledge

Radar basics If you've ever flown in real life or on VATSIM, then you've probably come across the transponder and entered 4 digits. But why is all this necessary? There are two types of radar for monitoring air traffic: Primary radar: These are the hu...




TAF stands for Terminal Aerodrome Forecast and is a weather forecast for an airport with regard to certain parameters that will change during the forecast period. It contains all meteorological information that is important for flight operations. The validity ...


Wake turbulence separation


Wake turbulence: yet another abstract new term. This video explains what wake vortices are and how they arise. And what do air traffic controllers have to do with it? We have to make sure that accidents like the one shown in the video in New York don't happen...


Procedural separation


With procedural separation, two aircraft can fall below the 3 NM required for radar separation under certain circumstances . Procedural separation is used in the following examples: Independent parallel approaches (IPA) In Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin, unde...


Radar separation


General Radar separation describes a minimum horizontal and vertical distance that must exist between two aircraft in the air. As safety is the greatest asset in aviation, care must always be taken to ensure that separation is maintained at all times. Radar...



Air law

Flightlevel, Altitude, Height, Elevation, Level - alles dasselbe? Mitnichten.... Begriffserläuterungen Wir wollen nun mal deinen eventuell vorhandenen Knoten im Hinblick auf diese Begriffe lösen. Dafür gehen wir die Begriffe der Höhenmessung (engl. Altimetri...



Air law

Neben den Verkehrsflughäfen und Landeplätzen mit einer RMZ gibt es eine Vielzahl von kleinen Flugplätzen, welche über keine veröffentlichten IFR Verfahren verfügen. Bei diesen Plätzen muss immer nach Sichtflugregeln (VFR) an- oder abgeflogen werden. Soll der F...



Air law Airspaces

Airspace classes according to ICAO What is airspace? A simple question at first glance, but how about the details? Legislation states that airspace is the area that extends upwards over a certain part of the earth's surface.However, with more and more air tra...


Airspace class A

Air law Airspaces

General There are currently no class A airspaces in Germany. However, they are widespread in the rest of the world, e.g. in Australia, France, Italy, and Great Britain. Airspace A is the most restrictive airspace of all, counts as controlled airspace and onl...


Airspace class C

Air law Airspaces

General In Germany, airspace above FL100 upwards (or FL130 upwards Alpine regions) generally is Class C airspace. This is not always labelled on the charts. Otherwise, Charlie is usually found in the local traffic control area of commercial airports above the...


Control zone (D-CTR)

Air law Airspaces

A control zone (CTR) is the controlled airspace in the immediate vicinity of a commercial airport or larger aerodrome. The responsible authority is a tower, which in reality operates mainly by sight. The radar screen only serves as support. The control zone h...


Airspace class E

Air law Airspaces

General In Germany, airspace E usually extends from 2500 ft GND to FL100, provided it is not interrupted by airspace C or D. In the Alps, the airspace is raised to FL130, and lowered in the vicinity of commercial airports. There are 3 different lower limits. ...


Airspace class F

Air law Airspaces

General There are currently no class F airspaces in Germany, and neither are there in the rest of the world. Airspace F is uncontrolled airspace. The Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) also state that airspace F is only to be regarded as a tempora...


Airspace class B

Air law Airspaces

General There are currently no class B airspaces in Germany. They are also not common in the rest of the world, but are typical in the USA. After airspace A, airspace B is the second most restrictive airspace in existence. Airspace B is controlled airspace. ...
