Airfields Germany
Airfields with information service only.
Langen FIR - EDGG
Alle Landeplätze der Langen FIR
EDFE - Frankfurt-Egelsbach
General Frankfurt-Egelsbach is an uncontrolled airport. It is situated right in the middle of th...
EDQG - Giebelstadt
General Giebelstadt is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS procedures...
EDRY - Speyer
General Speyer is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS procedures, we ...
EDRZ - Zweibrücken
EDTY - Schwäbisch Hall
General Schwäbisch Hall is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS proced...
Bremen FIR - EDWW
Alle Landeplätze der Bremen FIR
München FIR - EDMM
Alle Landeplätze der München FIR