Departing Traffic
Before Connecting to VATSIM
Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a valid route. Valid routes are available at
Delivery - Clearance (Start-up and Enroute Clearance)
When requesting your “Clearance” in Germany, you will always receive “start-up” and your IFR (Enroute) Clearance – “start-up” does not mean that you are allowed to pushback.
- Always check the current ATIS!
- You should only request your clearance when you are ready for pushback within the next 5 minutes.
- You can also receive your clearance via Datalink ( if the airport code is stated in the Controller Info
- The controller will tell you the SID, the initial climb and the squawk. (Pen and Paper might be useful)
- If there is more than one Departure Controller online, Delivery will also tell you your departure frequency
EWG4345, Information X, request enroute clearance (and startup)
Runway |
RWY 33 |
RWY 23 |
RWY 05 |
RWY 15 |
SID Designator |
G |
B |
C |
D |
Apron - Pushback
As the apron in Hamburg is not the biggest, it is even more important that you only request pushback when you are able to start it immediately after receiving the approval. To keep a good flow of traffic ATC might instruct you to do a specific pushback-routing (e.g. on a blue or orange line, into another taxiway, push and then pull forward, etc.). Always report when unable or if you do not understand the instruction.
- Set your assigned squawk and turn on your transponder before offblock
- Positions 44 - 48 can be used as taxi-out positions for aircrafts with a wingspan of less than 25m. For all other aircraft pushback onto taxiway Z8 is required!
Apron - Taxi
During taxi the controller might tell you to hold short of certain taxiways or give way to other aircrafts. To not cause any conflicts it is very important to follow the instructions correctly or to ask if you are unsure what to do!
Tower/Radar - Departure
When passing 2000ft contact the Departure Controller on the Frequency stated in the ATIS, the charts or that was given to you by the Delivery Controller! You will not receive a handoff by Tower.
Do not climb above your initial climb until advised by ATC!