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Handover Approach / Director / Center

While the article "Handover Tower" has already examined the WEST-principle in detail, this article presents a more practical method for handover between approach and cente. The WEST principle can of course also be used in parallel, but there is a risk of forgetting important information because the acronym WEST only covers some aspects superficially.

In a handover between approach and center it is advisable to go from the basics to the specifics. This means that we start with our own area of responsibility and runway direction(s), move on to adjacent sectors and agreements until we finally arrive at our own traffic. In this way, the relieving controller can slowly build up a picture and get an idea of the traffic during the handover. There is no need to stick to a set language or phraseology during the handover. The important thing is that both parties understand each other. If in doubt, ask!

It is also important to note that the handover controller remains responsible during the entire handover and must also transmit on the frequency, if necessary A handover can take several minutes in stressful situations. It is best for the relieving controller to take over the frequency with the clear words "my frequency" and only when they feel confident that they have completely understood the traffic situation.

Explanation Example APP Example Center

Basic Information



1. Own area of responsibility

2. Active runways, if APP also:

  • Spacing on final
  • Approach configuration

3. Meteorological specials and important NOTAMs (if applicable)

  • "You are Frankfurt Pickup Nord, Feeder and South pickup are online"
  • Runway 25 and 18, 25R minimum spacing (so 2.5NM) with Y approaches, 25L general 6 NM spacing due to departures
  • "CAT II/III" or "strong west wind" or "TRA XYZ active"
  • "You are the DKB without upper"
  • "Frankfurt 25, Stuttgart 25, Mannheim 27, Baden-Baden 21" - alternatively: "All runways to the west"



Which adjacent sectors are online and which general agreements exist.


It is best to start at one point and walk clockwise around the sector so as not to forget anything.

"DKB is online, we have direct NOMBO, he has direct DF635, GIN is online, we have direct NATSU for flights to Hamburg, RUD is online"

"ZUG is online and also covers ALB, Frankfurt inbounds come in descending, we may dct ROKIL with Munich inbounds, HOF and GIN are online, Zurich is online, but currently needs 20 NM spacing for LSZH inbounds"


Who is on the frequency?


What is the plan for the aircraft on the frequency?


Who else is calling and what has already been coordinated?


"DLH13T is already at the feeder, behind there is SAS83J to FL70 heading 220, ITY414 has not called in yet."

"We have DLH404 and ITY414 on the FRQ, both inbound SPESA descending FL100, I have already accepted the SWR2FR directly ASKIK, additionally BCS34T and DLH123 are calling you, both in FL240, could be a problem later"

Additional Information

Anything else relevant that hasn’t been covered in the standardized handover

"We had several problems with the voice servers earlier"

"In Grefrath at NETEX, a parachute dropper has called several times in the last half hour, he will be back soon"

Example Approach:

You take over Frankfurt Pickup-North only, Pickup-South and both feeders are online.

We have 25 and 18, independent parallel, Y approaches on 25R, both runways minimum spacing (i.e. 2.5 NM).

Westerly wind, very strong, so the downwind is very fast and some planes have reported turbulence.

GIN, DKB and RUD are online, we are allowed direct NOMBO for CINDY departures and direct ARPEG with aircraft to Amsterdam.

ITY414 has already been handed off, there is still DLH123 as number 1 to 5000ft on the FRQ, behind it DLH45H is planned descending to FL70, needs to be reduced soon. Also, you have DLH401, going to the southern runway and DLH12J, which has just called at RAMOB.

Example Center:

You take over the DKB, SLN is online, Stuttgart is only staffed with Tower.

All runways in the sector are west direction except in Baden, they have 03.

GIN, FUL and Zurich are online, no general agreements.

There is only SWR2FR descending FL220 on the FRQ, you can send him away once he is clear of BCS34T.

I have already entered dct SPESA for DLH123, but he is  still at Munich.

For feeders, a handover can often be shortened. Here the weather can be taken into account a little more, as the wind conditions are particularly important for precise feeding, but sector configuration, is less interesting for example, as a feeder is never active without a pickup.

Example Feeder:

Runways 25, you are feeder for both runways, dependent parallel approaches, Y approaches on 25R, generally 5 NM due to departures on both runways, wind is quite strong, aircaft are reducing quickly in general.

ITY414 has 180kt until 6NM, it is already with tower, SWR2FR behind it has to slow down soon and DLH404 is on base turn for 25L, AUA1LN will call next.