S2 Training (TWR)
This page is still work in progress. If you find any erroneous information, please contact LM of FIR München! Information on this site may have changed since your last visit without prior notice/announcement.
The S2 training in FIR München takes place at two airports. They differ in classification between tier 1 (former major airport) and unrestricted status:
Tier 1 | Unrestricted |
To start your training in EDDM (tier 1 airport) you have to apply for training to gain a ground endorsement. This training can be requested in the "Ausbildungsplanung" thread in our forum.
Training steps for training in EDDM
Tier 1 ground endorsement
- You have controlled for at least 15 hours within the last two months at one of the S1 training airports within FIR München.
- You have requested a training lesson in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung" within the ATD forum of FIR München.
PRESIM Moodle course
Prior your first training, you are going to study the PRESIM theory in a self-study moodle course. You will be enrolled in this course after a mentor has contacted you reagarding your request in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung".
Please refrain from repeated enquiries about the current process of your request. We are going to restrict/balance the number of simultaneous trainees according to the capacity of our mentors and the airport itself.
The access to this course will normally be given according to the waiting list for training at EDDM, exceptions may be granted by our mentors in accordance with the VATEUD Department Training Policy.
First training
After completion of the required theory for your first training, you may request a EDDM_DEL training in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung" as described in the moodle course.
The first training lesson is normally a simulation session on EDDM_DEL in which all relevant theory and practical skills for München Delivery will be applied. A good knowledge of the theory published in the Moodle course is absolutely necessary, the training lesson may be terminated in case of lacking theoretical knowledge.
If your performance during the simulation session is within our training requirements, the mentor will schedule an appointment for a second training lesson on EDDM_1/2/3_GND.
Second training
The second training is normally a simulation session on EDDM_1/2/3_GND (München Apron). Good theoretical knowledge of all theory published in the Moodle course is absolutely necessary. If your mentor is satisfied with your performance, you will receive a Tier 1 ground endorsement. If not, another session may be required or training may be continued at an unrestricted airport.
Apron checkout
- You have controlled at least 30 hours on the ground endorsement.
- You have requested your Apron checkout in the the thread "Ausbildungsplanung".
- You have booked the station with the "Training" option checked as soon as the training date is confirmed by a mentor. If there is a booking conflict, your training takes precedence. Contact the other controller independently to resolve the scheduling conflict. If no agreement can be reached, a mentor may assist you upon request.
In the apron checkout, a mentor is going to determine wether your theoretical knowledge and practical skills on delivery and apron are sufficient. The checkout usually has a duration of at least one hour, after that the mentor will debrief the session with you.
If the mentor is satisfied with the result of your checkout, your are eligible to proceed with the training for München Tower.
Tower training
- You have passed your apron checkout.
- You have passed the module "Conversion Lesson EDDM_TWR" in the Moodle course.
- You have requested a training lesson in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung" within the ATD forum of FIR München.
First training
If you fulfill all requirements, a mentor will contact you to schedule an appointment for a training lesson.
The first training lesson is normally a simulation session on EDDM_TWR in which all relevant theory and practical skills for München Tower and München Ground (not Apron!) will be applied. A good knowledge of the theory published in the Moodle course is absolutely necessary, the training lesson may be terminated in case of lacking theoretical knowledge.
If your performance during the simulation session is within our training requirements, the mentor will schedule an appointment for a second training lesson on EDDM_TWR.
Second training
The second training is normally an online training on EDDM_TWR. Good theoretical knowledge of all theory published in the Moodle course is absolutely necessary. If your mentor is satisfied with your performance, you will receive a solo endorsement for München Tower, which is limited to a 30 days duration. If not, another session may be required or training may be continued at an unrestricted airport.
During your solo endorsement
- Staff as much as possible on München Tower.
- Gain experience, hone your controlling skills, be open to feedback.
Latest 21 days into your solo endorsement, you shall request another Training with a mentor to extend your solo endorsement.
Solo extension training
- You have controlled for at least 15 hours within the last 21 days on München Tower.
- You have requested a solo extension training in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung" within the ATD forum of FIR München.
During this training, a mentor will check if your knowledge and practical skills are within the desired training progress. If your mentor is satisfied with your training progress, your solo endorsement will be extended by an additional 30 days.
If not, your endorsement will expire after 30 days and additional training sessions with a mentor will be scheduled or training may continue at an unrestricted airport.
Tower "Over the Shoulders" (OTS)
- You have controlled for at least 50 hours on München Tower, of which 15 hours were within the last 21 days.
- You have requested a Tower OTS in the thread "Ausbildungsplanung" within the ATD forum of FIR München.
During the OTS, a mentor will observe you for at least one hour to determine whether you are ready for a Controller Practical Test (CPT) on München Tower. If so, a date for a CPT will be set.
If not, your Solo will expire after 30 days and additional training sessions with a mentor will be scheduled or training may continue at an unrestricted airport.
Tower CPT
If a mentor reports you ready for CPT after your OTS, a CPT date will be set. The CPT will be conducted according to our "Ausbildungsrichtlinien" (training regulations), the EUD Training regulations, and GCAP.
If you pass your CPT, your rating will be upgraded to S2 and you will receive a tier 1 endorsement for München Tower.
Training steps for training in EDDN
This part of the curriculum is still WIP. This information is subject to change and not yet meant for operational use.