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Apron (GND)

Apron Area of Responsibility

Hamburg can be staffed with two apron controllers. East Apron is the main station, which supersedes the area of West Apron.

Station ID
East Apron
Apron 1 (incl. holding points)
West Apron
Apron 2, 4, 5, 6, (GA)

The area of responsibility is shown in the picture below. Additionally in Euroscope: Ground View > Functions > Maps > AoR

green = General Aviation Parking, movements delegated to Tower

Hamburg East Apron (Ground)EDDH_E_GND)


HamburgThe DFS Pack includes the GroundRadar-Plugin which assigns parking positions by the airline and aircraft. In case of blocked gates, traffic flow/management concerns or pilot request, another position can be used.

Gate 1-8: These gates are intended for heavy aircrafts and block their respective A/B positions. Narrow body airliners with a max-wingspan of 36m shall use one of the A/B positions. They are mainly used by Star Alliance partners. Only gate 6 is suitable for an A380.

50s stands: Additional parking positions for all uses up to narrow body airliners. These stands can be used for low cost airlines beside the 80s stands on Apron ist2. auf


60s fürstands: dieAdditional Rollkontrolleparking aufpositions demfor all uses up to narrow body airliners. Do not use for inbound traffic!

Scenery problems: There are a lot of ground layout mismatches in different default and payware sceneries across all simulators because of the heavy reconstruction of Apron 1East in the last couple of years (östlichZ1 derBlue/Orange, Pistenew 33)50/60s stands). AndersStands als51-53 anat anderenZ3 Flughäfenare trägtthe diesafest Stationoption dasto Rufzeichenuse "Apron"for undinbound nichttraffic, "Ground",the dies60s iststands anwill demlikely realencause Vorbildtaxiway orientiert,incursions, daso derdon't Losteassign fürthem.


Stand Hamburger9-12: Often used for virtual Airlines and additional parking positions for all Airlines.

Stand 42-43: Virtual Airlines and Cargo.

44+ stands: mixed use (e.g. business jets, long time parking, cargo extended parking space etc.)

De-Icing: De-icing in Hamburg is provided directly at the parking position.  


In Hamburg it is very important to use the apron and its taxiways efficiently. It is useful to instruct pushing traffic creative routings to avoid congestion. For medium to high traffic situations:

  • make use of the orange and blue line on Z1
  • consider straight out pushbacks from gates 3+4 into Z4 
  • 50s stands: to avoid taxi via Z1, consider pushback directions opposite to the usual traffic flow
  • Stand 10-12, 40+ at 33 departure: pushback face south and taxi to holding point B1
  • caution: do not push stand 9 face south, as it will block the intersection


No checkpoints: The area of responsibility of East Apron eineincludes vonthe demholding Flughafenbetreiberpoints. gestellteCheckpoints Personshown ist.on Solltecharts are not applicable on VATSIM, as we do not simulate the Hamburg WestAirport company operating the apron.

Outbound traffic:  Z1 should be used towards the active departure runway. South to runway 33/05 and north to runway 23/15. Low traffic or creative routings may deviate from that. If possible, separate west/east outbound traffic at different holding points.

In medium to high traffic situations use holding points A1/B1 for heavy aircrafts (up to aircraft code E), to avoid blocking the A3/B4 intersections.

Holding points A5 and B3 are only used for runway crossings.

Arriving traffic: Depending on the landing runway, aircrafts will usually enter the East Apron onlinevia sein,B6 or A5/A6. The inbound routing is coupled to the outbound orientation of Z1, so sindit ggf.creates dasa Kreuzena derclockwise Pisteor 33counter-clockwise mittraffic Hamburgflow Towerto zuthe koordinierengates. undLow danachtraffic denor Fliegercreative anroutings denmay Westdeviate Apronfrom zuthat.


Helipad: AlsHelipad VATSIM-LotseEast übernimmtbetween manB1 aber,and beiB3 unbesetztemis Delivery,not auchused diethat Aufgabenoften dieses.or is closed via NOTAMS. Prefer using Helipad West. Departures directly from the parking position are not permitted. All helicopter traffic needs to air-taxi to the helipad, except helicopters based at the police station.

Hamburg West Apron (Ground)EDDH_W_GND)

EinBefore weiterer Apron Controller bedient die Vorfleder 2 (Low Coast, Cargo, GA), 4 (GAT), 5 und 6 sowie die Rollwege Y1, Y3 und G (bis U), welche sich westlich der Piste 33 befinden. Der Main-Taxiway D1 gehört dem Tower, damit ein flüssiges Arbeiten nach dem Abrollen möglich ist.

Delegation to Tower: Rollbewegungen am Parkplatz der Allgemeinen Luftfahrt sind an den Turm delegiert, so dass ein zügiges ein/ausrollen möglich ist. Feste Parkpositionen werden am GA nicht vergeben.

DerHamburg West Apron wirdcan inbe Abwesenheitstaffed, vomTower, East Apron mitand übernommen.Delivery need to be staffed first. 

Parking and Pushback

The DFS Pack includes the GroundRadar-Plugin which assigns parking positions by the airline and aircraft.  In case of blocked gates, traffic flow/management concerns or pilot request, another position can be used. 

80s stands - Low Cost Terminal: DerThe "low-cost" terminal is located at the west apron, taxiway Y1. Airlines like Easy and Ryanair are positioned here. In busy traffic situations, these stands can also be used for all airlines (up to aircraft code D) to relieve the East Apron.

90s stands - Cargo: Stands 91-93 (taxiway Y3) are intended for heavy aircrafts and block their respective A/B positions. Narrow body airliners with a max-wingspan of 36m shall use one of the A/B positions.

Pushbacks at the northern stands (81, 82, 91) need to stay clear of D1. 

Either a pushback face north, straight back or a short pushback face south needs to be issued, since D1 is in the responsibility of Tower. Depending on the departure runway, aircrafts facing north might need extensive coordination, e.g. an intersection take-off or a longer taxi-route with a released taxiway D1.

General Aviation (GA + Apron 4): General Aviation Parking is between D1 and G (green area). Apron 4 is the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) and is often used by smaller business jets or commercial props. 

Movement at GA delegated to Tower (green area): Taxiing out of and into the general aviation parking area is delegated to tower to ensure a steady traffic flow. Parking positions are not assigned to arriving traffic. Outbound traffic should be handed over to tower when they report ready for pushback or taxi, whichever comes first. 

Apron 5 + 6: Lufthansa Technik - these aprons are only used on pilot request. Apron 6 taxi out needs to be coordinated with tower.

De-Icing: De-icing in Hamburg is provided directly at the parking position.  

Police and rescue helicopters: The police helicopters are based at Hamburg Airport east of apron 5 (H Pol1 / H Pol 2), Callsign "Libelle". These helipads are not reachable via air-taxi and can only be used for direct arrival/departures. Pilots will communicate directly with the tower.

There are no rescue helicopters located at the airport but within the area of the tower control zone.


Outbound traffic: Use G for outbound traffic unless an intersection take-off (e.g. D8/D9) was coordinated. In that case airplanes hold short of D1 while being handed over to Tower.

Arriving traffic: Expect aircrafts on all possible entry points of your area of responsibility and check the provided stand assignment. If you disagree with the chosen stand, coordinate in time with the other stations. Tower will transfer airplanes on D1 with an instruction to hold short of Y3 or Y1. Clear the traffic on D1 as quick as possible.

Helipads: Helipad West Apronis darfthe erstmain besetztarrival/departure werdenpoint wenn:for EDDH_DEL,helicopters EDDH_E_GNDin undHamburg. EDDH_TWRDepartures besetztdirectly sind.from Fürthe dasparking Überquerenposition derare Pistenot 15/33permitted. wirdAll einehelicopter Freigabetraffic beineeds EDDH_TWRto eingeholtair-taxi undto anthe dashelipad, enstprechendeexcept Luftfahrtzeughelicopters weitergegeben.based Eineat (erneute)the Übergabepolice an TWR zur Freigabe, um die Piste zu überqueren, ist nicht vorgesehen.station.

RollwegbeschränkungenTaxiway Restrictions

FürUnless Informationenotherwise zustated denbelow, Abmaßentaxiways derare Luftfahrzeugesuited empfielhtfor sichaircraft diecode F movements. For information regarding aircraft dimensions consult the LuftfahrzeugdatenbankAircraft vonPerformance EurocontrolDatabase. Informationen zu den Klassifierungen der ICAO Letteraircraft sindcode bydefinitions can be found at Skybrary zu finden..

AlleEuroscope: RollwegeGround sind,View sofern> keineFunctions Beschränkung> angegebenMaps ist,> fürRestrictions


click Letterto Fopen freigegeben.bigger view

Apron East

Taxiway BeschränkungRestrictions
Alpha 1 LetterAircraft code E oderor kleinerbelow
Alpha 4 Maximalemax Spannweitewingspan 36m
Bravo 1 LetterAircraft code E oderor kleinerbelow
Bravo 5 Maximalemax Spannweitewingspan 36m, LetterAircraft code C oderor kleiner
Delta 4Letter C oder kleiner
Delta 6Letter D oder kleiner
Delta 7Letter C oder kleiner
Delta 8Letter D oder kleiner
Echo 4Letter E oder kleiner
FoxtrottLetter D oder kleiner
Golffür Zurückrollen: Letter D oder kleiner
TangoMaximale Spannweite 80m; >80m Schleppen zum Vorfeld 6
UniformMaximal Spannweite 60m; >36m Schleppen zum Vorfeld 5
VictorMaximale Spannweite 28,65m, 30,3m Länge und 4,9m Fahrwerksbreite
WhiskeyMaximale Spannweite 24m
Yankee 1Letter D oder kleiner
Yankee 4Maximale Spannweite 30m
Yankee 5 and 6Maximale Spannweite 12m
Yankee 7Maximale Spannweite 29mbelow
Zulu 1 Orange und Blue Line: maximalemax Spannweitewingspan 36m
Zulu 4 LetterAircraft code C oderor kleinerbelow
Zulu 5 Südlichsouth of Z1: LetterAircraft code E oderor kleinerbelow
Zulu 7 Maximalemax Spannweitewingspan 25m
Zulu 8 Maximalemax Spannweitewingspan 36m

Apron West

FoxtrottAircraft code D or below
Golffor pushback: Aircraft code D or below
Tangomax wingspan 80m; >80m tow to Apron 6
Uniformmax wingspan 60m; >36m tow to Apron 5

max wingspan 28,65m

max length 30,3m

landing gear width 4,9m 

Whiskeymax wingspan 24m, closed 
Yankee 1Aircraft code D or below
Yankee 4max wingspan 30m
Yankee 5+6max wingspan 12m
Yankee 7

max wingspan 29m


Holding PointRestrictions
Delta 4Aircraft code C or below
Delta 6Aircraft code D or below
Delta 7

Aircraft code C or below

Delta 8Aircraft code D or below
Echo 4Aircraft code E or below

Efficient Traffic Management

Because of the small apron size in Hamburg, the controller has to guarantee an efficient traffic flow. For this, there are some points to keep an eye on while staffing one of the apron positions:

  • In case of traffic crossing runway 15/33 at G/B3: coordinate with Tower and get a release for  the runway crossing, so that pilots don't have to switch to tower frequency 
  • delay pushbacks if needed to prevent overloaded holding points or taxiways
  • plan pushbacks and their routing the most efficient way
  • make use of the orange and blue line on Z1
  • consider straight out pushbacks from gates 3+4 into Z4 
  • 50s stands: to avoid taxi via Z1, consider pushback directions opposite to the usual traffic flow
  • if possible, separate west/east outbound traffic at different holding points
  • Apron 2: coordinate intersection take-offs at D8 (dep. runway 23) or D9 (dep. runway 33)