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Area of Responsibility

Bremen Ground controlsis theresponsible groundfor movementall ofIFR aircraft.clearances as well as for all pushback and taxi clearances.

IFR Clearance

Departure Routes

The following departure routes (SIDs) are available at EDDW:

eddw_gnd.pngEDDW Quciksheet.png


During 27-Ops, Bremen Ground shall use the Z-SIDs by default (where available). All L-SIDs shall only be used on explicit pilot's request only. The initial climb for all departure routes is 4000 ft. 

The use of SOFED departure routes shall be terminated in case ED-R 202 or ED-R 302 (known as TRA Weser) are active. In this case, traffic via SOFED shall be re-routed via OTEXE N125 SOEFD (then flight-planned route). EDWW sector FRI will inform Bremen Ground about the activation and Pushback


Stands:of GRPTRA assignsWeser. parkingBy positions.default,
StandsED-R marked202 withand AED-R (12A, 18A)302 are reservedto forbe Heavyconsidered aircraftas deactivated. 

Vectored Departures and willLocal blockIFR


Vectored standsdepartures (12/13,and 18/19)local when used. 
Stands 12-19IFR are usedsubject to individual coordination with the aircraftstation facingresponsible southwest.
for EDWW sector FRI (Friesland). This sector will inform Bremen Ground about the planned departure routing. 

VFR traffic

Departing VFR traffic will call Bremen Ground initially. Bremen Ground shall create an F-Plan when necessary and inform Bremen Tower about the intentions of the VFR traffic. 

Pushbacks: Pushbacks are required for aircraft on stands 01-11. Aircraft on stands 12-19 may also taxi out, provided that they meet the restrictions for the taxiway they're taxiing onto.

De-Icing: De-icing is provided directly at the parking position.  

Taxiway Restrictions

Maximum wingspan 36m
Maximum wingspan 36m
GolfWingspan < 52m
HotelMaximum wingspan 36m 
KiloMaximum wingspan 24m
LimaMaxiumum wingspan 31m
NovemberWingspan < 52m
Maximum wingspan 24m
SierraWingspan < 36m


When runway 23 is active (daytime only, winds permitting), VFR departures of up to 5700 kg MTOM requesting departureto leave the CTR via SSIERRA, WHISKEY or WNOVEMBER are assigned runway 2323. Note: the pilot may request runway 27 for departure, this shall be coordinated with Bremen Tower.

Jet aircraft or any aircraft with an MTOM of more than 5700 kg shall follow a published IFR departure route under VFR conditions. In this case, Bremen Ground shall coordinate the departure routing with Bremen Tower. Bremen Ground will then inform the pilot about the expected departure routing. 

Ground Movements

Parking Positions

Bremen Ground shall use the arrival stand planned by the Groundradar Plugin. On request by the pilot, this stand may be changed. 

All stands are limited to a maximum wingspan of 36 m. Stands 12A and instructed18A may be used by heavy aircraft (wingspan up to 52 m). 

General Aviation traffic shall be parked at the General Aviation Apron next to taxi lane R if the aircraft's wingspan is below 24 m. Larger General Aviation traffic shall park at stands 12-17. 

Apron 3 shall be used for traffic of company Atlas Air Service (ATL, callsign "Air Bremen"). Additionally, this apron may be assigned at the pilot's request only. 

Taxiway Intersections

As a general rule, departing IFR traffic shall be cleared to Intersection A (RWY 09) or Intersection F (RWY 27) by Bremen Ground. Intersection C (RWY 09) or D/E (RWY 27) may be used on the pilot's request only. 

Departing VFR traffic using runway 23 viashall


Whento intersection D holding at the holding point of runway 27. Unless otherwise requested, departing VFR traffic from runway 09 shall use intersection C. VFR traffic departing from runway 27 shall be guided via intersection D. 

VFR traffic requesting to depart from runway 09 to leave the CTR via WHISKEY shall be guided to runway intersection A only. The use of other intersections is active,prohibited!

Whenever possible, departing traffic should be transferred to Bremen Tower when joining taxiway F. 

For noise abatement reasons, taxi clearances for aircraft taxiing via intersection F to take off from RWY 27 will be issued only up to the CAT II/III holding position.

For noise abatement reasons, pilots of propeller and turbo-prop aeroplanes of more than 2000 kg MTOM arewill, assignedas a rule, be cleared by Bremen Ground to use intersection EchoE for departure.take-off AircraftRWY with27 an MTOMinstead of upintersection toF. 2000The kg intersectionpilot shall beinform assignedBremen ground in case intersection D. Intersection F is usedrequired otherwisedue to performance reasons. 

Taxiway Restrictions

KMax. wingspan < 24 m---
LMax. Wingspan < 31 m---
H, D, E, SMax. wingspan < 36 m---
GMax. wingspan < 52 mBetween TWY C and onposition pilot's12 requestinclusively
N Max. Wingspan < 52 m---
RMax. ICAO code letter BMax. wingspan < 24 m
F1, F2Use only permitted for Airbus factory trafficCallsign BGA

EDDW TWY Restriction.png

Max SpannweiteA/C Types
< 30mAT72 / CRJX / DH8D / RJ1H / etc.
< 36mB739 / A321 / BCS3 / E195 / etc.
< 52mB753 / B763 / A306 / etc.
< 65mA333 / A346 / A35K / B744 / B77W / B78X / etc.
< 80mA124 / A388 / B748 / etc.
> 80mA225
Beluga Traffic

The following taxiways shall be instructed to contact the Tower on taxiway F latest.

When runway 09 is active intersection C can be used for aircraftBeluga upaircraft. 

MovementsBeluga (A3ST)Beluga XL (A337)
Departure from RWY 09Taxi via F, C, N and ATaxi via F to 5700intersection kgC, MTOM.backtrack Intersectionrequired
Departure otherwise.from RWY 27


Taxi via F

Arrival from RWY 09
Arrival from RWY 27Taxi via A, N, C and F
Backtrack required, taxi via C and F

TaxiwayThe HotelBeluga XL requires a backtrack from intersection C, as this aircraft exceeds the wingspan limit at taxiway N.

Low Visibility Procedures

When low visibility conditions exist, Bremen Ground shall only beuse used for Lufthansa Flightschool aircraft and NOT for regular IFR in/outbounds.

Low Visibility Procedures (LVP)

Cat II/III holding points shall be used and are marked as red lines in the ground layout. During LVP only intersectionIntersection A (RWY 09) and intersectionIntersection F (RWY 27) shallfor departing traffic. This traffic is to be used,cleared intersectionto take-offsthe CAT II/III holding points only. 

Helicopter Traffic

At Bremen airport, the rescue helicopter "Christoph Weser" (Christoph 55, CHX55) is stationed. Departure and arrival are notperformed permitted.directly in front of the hangar located slightly north of the helipad.

As a general rule, rescue helicopters will contact Bremen Tower directly. Bremen Tower shall inform Bremen Ground about any helicopter arrival or departure. In this case, no other traffic shall use taxiway H.