EDDW Ground
Bremen Ground controls the ground movement of aircraft north of the line shown below. Tower can delegate TWY F to GND control. Stands: Pushbacks: Pushbacks De-Icing: De-icing is provided directly at the parking position. Standard routings: When runway 27 is active, for noise protection reasons, propeller aircraft and aircraft with turbine propeller engines over 2000 kg MTOW are assigned the runway junction Echo for take-off. For aircraft with an MTOW of up to 2000kg (General Aviation), the Delta runway junction should be used. If runway 09 is active, runway intersection Alpha and Charlie can be used, depending on where the aircraft is in the general aviation area and what the general IFR situation is. Departures via runway 23 get a taxi via Delta and hold short of runway 27/09 and are handed over to the tower there. Arriving traffic: [27 vacate and taxi via A, hold short N] Helipad: [only used by CHX - other traffic via runway?] Cat II/III holding points shall be used and are marked as red lines in the ground layout.[Area of
Parking and Pushback
The DFS Pack includes the GroundRadar-Plugin whichGRP assigns parking positions. by the airline and aircraft. In case of blocked gates, traffic flow/management concerns or pilot request, another position can be used.
Stands marked with A (12A, 18A) are reserved for Heavy aircrafts,aircraft and will block neighboring stands marked(12/13, 18/19) when used.
Stands 12-19 are used with Rthe areaircraft taxi-outfacing positions. Both types may block bordering gates.
[zusammenfassende Gate Zuweisung: Passenger, Cargo, 1x Heavy Stand usw.]
Business Jets:
General Aviation:
Helicopters: southeast.Airbus:
Lufthansa School:Inare Bremenrequired itfor isaircraft veryon importantstands to01-11. useAircraft on stands 12-19 may also taxi out, provided that they meet the apronrestrictions and its taxiways efficiently, as there is only one main taxiway. Fromfor the terminal it may be more efficient to instruct a pushback straight back into a free apron stand instead of taxiway November.they're taxiing onto.Taxiways
Taxiway Hotel should be avoided, as the crew of Christoph 55 might need to cross this taxiway to get to their helicopter. The main taxiway Charlie is preferred. The pavement is not build for large aircrafts. Small aircraft of the Lufthansa Flight School/Club may use this taxiway to reach their hangar.
Taxiway Restrictions
Maximum wingspan 36m
Maximum wingspan 36m
ZwischenWingspan Rollweg Charlie und Position 10A gesperrt für Luftfahzuge mit mehr als< 52m Spannweite
GesperrtMaximum fürwingspan Luftfahrzeuge24m mit mehr als 36m Spannweite
GesperrtMaximum für Luftfahrzeuge mit mehr alswingspan 24m Spannweite
GesperrtMaxiumum für Luftfahrzeuge mit mehr alswingspan 31m Spannweite
GesperrtWingspan für Luftfahrzeuge mit mehr als< 52mSpannweite
Maximum wingspan 24m
GesperrtWingspan für Luftfahrzeuge mit mehr als< 36m Spannweite
Vorfeld 2
Zwischen Rollweg Alpha und Position 16 gesperrt für Luftfahrzeuge mit mehr als 30m Spannweite
[übersetzen]Low Visibility Operations (LVO)
During low visibility operations, the departure and arrival spacing is increased. Delays may be issued earlier than in normal conditions.