EDDW Ground
Area of Responsibility
Bremen Ground controls the ground movement of aircraft north of the line shown below. Tower can delegate TWY F to GND control.aircraft.
Parking and Pushback
Stands: GRP assigns parking positions.
Stands marked with A (12A, 18A) are reserved for Heavy aircraft and will block neighboring stands (12/13, 18/19) when used.
Stands 12-19 are used with the aircraft facing southeast.
Pushbacks: Pushbacks are required for aircraft on stands 01-11. Aircraft on stands 12-19 may also taxi out, provided that they meet the restrictions for the taxiway they're taxiing onto.
De-Icing: De-icing is provided directly at the parking position.
Standard routings:
Taxiway Hotel should be avoided, as the crew of Christoph 55 might need to cross this taxiway to get to their helicopter. The main taxiway Charlie is preferred. The pavement is not build for large aircrafts. Small aircraft of the Lufthansa Flight School/Club may use this taxiway to reach their hangar.
When runway 27 is active, for noise protection reasons, propeller aircraft and aircraft with turbine propeller engines over 2000 kg MTOW are assigned the runway junction Echo for take-off. For aircraft with an MTOW of up to 2000kg (General Aviation), the Delta runway junction should be used.
If runway 09 is active, runway intersection Alpha and Charlie can be used, depending on where the aircraft is in the general aviation area and what the general IFR situation is.
Departures via runway 23 get a taxi via Delta and hold short of runway 27/09 and are handed over to the tower there.
Arriving traffic: [27 vacate and taxi via A, hold short N]
Helipad: [only used by CHX - other traffic via runway?]
Taxiway Restrictions
Taxiway | Restriction |
Delta |
Maximum wingspan 36m |
Echo |
Maximum wingspan 36m |
Golf | Wingspan < 52m |
Hotel | Maximum wingspan |
Kilo | Maximum wingspan 24m |
Lima | Maxiumum wingspan 31m |
November | Wingspan < 52m |
Romeo |
Maximum wingspan 24m |
Sierra | Wingspan < 36m |
When runway 23 is active (daytime only, winds permitting), VFR departures of up to 5700 kg MTOM requesting departure via S or W are assigned runway 23 and instructed to taxi to runway 23 via D.
When runway 27 is active, propeller and turbo-prop aeroplanes of more than 2000 kg MTOM are assigned intersection Echo for departure. Aircraft with an MTOM of up to 2000 kg intersection shall be assigned intersection D. Intersection F is used otherwise and on pilot's request by the mentioned aircraft.
When runway 09 is active intersection C can be used for aircraft up to 5700 kg MTOM. Intersection A is used otherwise.
Taxiway Hotel shall only be used for Lufthansa Flightschool aircraft and NOT for regular IFR in/outbounds.
Low Visibility Operations (LVO)
Cat II/III holding points shall be used and are marked as red lines in the ground layout.