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Ground (DEL)

Although the callsign (in reality) is "Hamburg Ground" we use the suffix _DEL on Vatsim to avoid confusion among pilots.

Hamburg Ground is responsible for enroute and startup clearances for all departing IFR aircraft. VFR aircraft have to call Ground for departure information. For all departures (IFR and VFR) Hamburg Ground is the first station to contact.

Startup: When startup clearance cannot be given immediately or the pilot is not ready for startup within the next 5 minutes during high traffic situations, the pilot needs to stay on Ground frequency until he receives startup clearance. If an expected startup time (TSAT) exists, the pilot should be informed about it. This procedure might be necessary during events with a lot of outbound traffic.

With startup Ground transfers the aircraft to the responsible Apron/Tower station depending on the current stand.

Initial climb clearance: The initial climb clearance at Hamburg is 5000ft on all published departure procedures. The altitude shall be entered as cleared altitude (CFL) in an appropriate list or tag.

PDC: The use of PDC (Pre Departure Clearance) is permitted in Hamburg, but not mandatory. The code "EDDH" shall be used. When using startup times, keep in mind not giving “startup approved” in the PDC clearance.

SIDs and Restrictions

Following maximum flight levels need to be respected. In case of high workload Hamburg Ground or the responsible top-down station can decide not to check for even/odd levels. Always clear down to the next appropriate flight level within your IFR clearance to prevent a busy dialog on frequency.

FL250 is no valid cruise flight level for all SIDs except RAMAR, use FL230 or FL270 if applicable instead.

Destination SID Flight level Reason
EDDF, EDF* IDEKO max. FL230 Airway restrictions
max. FL100Sectorization
EDDVall max. FL100 Sectorization


BASUM max. FL240 Airway restrictions

all destinations

IDEKO, AMLUH odd Airway restrictions

all destinations

other SIDs Semicircular rules 0°-179° odd FL, 180°-359° even FL

Waypoint RWY 33 RWY 15 RWY 23 RWY 05 Departure Frequency
AMLUH G D B C 119.510
BASUM G D B C 134.255
EKERN G D B C 119.510
ELSOB G D B C 134.255
IDEKO G D B C 134.255
G D B C 119.510
RAMAR G D B C 119.510
WSN Weser G

HAM Hamburg*


For SIDs with designators printed in bold the phrase "climb via SID" shall be used. (All expect HAM SIDs)

HAM-SIDs shall be used for non-RNAV aircrafts only and needs to be released by HAME (who needs a release from ALR/HEI). If all stations agree, a separate departure release is not necessary. If able for RNAV, reroute via appropriate SID fix.

Working with two Departure Frequencies

In case one or both of the approach stations (HAME + HAMW) are online, both departure frequencies are in use as stated in the charts. In that case Hamburg Ground adds the correct departure frequency as information within the IFR clearance or at the end of the "readback correct" confirmation. If only Hamburg East  is online, it will cross-couple both frequencies. 

Readback correct. Departure frequency *when passing 2000ft* Bremen Radar 119.510 (134.255)


Vectored departures: The use of vectored departures requires prior coordination with the responsible radar station. An initial altitude to climb shall be provided.

IFR local flights: IFR local flights are coordinated with the responsible radar controller, who may instruct a different departure procedure, possibly vectored departures.

Coordinator Delivery

Times of use: A Coordinator Delivery can be staffed when all other Ground stations except Apron West are manned. The position shows its potential, especially during events.

Role and function: The Delivery Coordinator supervises the traffic flow at and in the vicinity of the aerodrome. His duties include:

  • observing airport and surrounding and detect lacks of efficiency
  • managing departure list, including SID assignment, flightplan check and squawk assignment
  • Slot management (if needed)
  • service for text pilots
  • PDC service
  • when controllers are busy coordination with adjacent stations

The main Delivery is responsible for all requests via voice on frequency.
For these duties, it is recommended to use some tools which are not included in the vanilla version of EuroScope. TopSky (included in the DFS_Pack) offers windows showing the current and predicted operations rate of specific airports or a specific sector.


  • MDI (minimum departure interval) for specific SIDs to relieve sectors and airports
  • delays, e.g. for pushback clearance to prevent overload at holding points
  • observing for potential conflicts at the ground
  • checking tools for inbounds and coordinating MDIs or MIT (miles in trail) in consultation with radar stations

Always make the right level of restrictions. A restriction shall not lead to over- or underload of the airport and its controllers. Keep in mind, a measure only shows its effect after a certain time.