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ETNT Radar

Area of Responsibility

Wittmund Radar is responsible for departing and arriving traffic from/to ETNT as well as for IFR traffic at EDWE and EDWI. 

When online, Wittmund Radar activates its delegated AoR within the Bremen ACC sector Eider West (EIDW). Full responsibility is delegated to Wittmund Radar for this airspace.

EDWW ETNT AoR.pngAoR Wittmund

Wittmund Radar shall inform Bremen ACC sectors EIDW, FRI and Nordholz Radar (ETMN APP)  about the opening and closing of AoR Wittmund immediately!

If Wittmund Radar is offline, Nordholz Radar (ETMN APP) will take over full responsibility over AoR Wittmund and top-down responsibilities at ETNT, EDWE and EDWI.


Arriving Traffic

  • Arriving traffic is always coordinated individually between Bremen Radar, Nordholz Radar and Wittmund Radar ("Radar Handover")
  • It's expected that Wittmund Radar accepts or otherwise states the sector entry conditions during coordination.

Departing Traffic

  • Departing IFR traffic will be transferred from Wittmund Tower to Wittmund Radar initially. 
    • Wittmund Radar is responsible for verifying mode C readout and identifying the departing aircraft
    • Usually, Wittmund Radar shall coordinate a further climb with EDWW before departure release or coordinate a general release of the climb. Preferably, this coordination is combined with IFR clearance or departure release. If no further climb is coordinated, departing IFR traffic leaving the AoR shall be transferred to Bremen Radar after identification. 

EDWE Traffic

  • Wittmund Radar is responsible for controlling traffic from/to Emden (EDWE). 
  • Traffic from/to the south will be transferred according to the LoP EDWW ACC (between EIDW and FRI)
  • Traffic from/to the south on Helicopter procedures will be coordinated individually between Wittmund Radar and EDWW ACC sector EIDW
  • Procedures via JUIST shall be used by helicopters only
  • Emden is uncontrolled, therefore Wittmund Radar will not provide ATC service for traffic below controlled airspace
  • IFR clearances will be coordinated between Emden Information and Wittmund Radar
  • Wittmund Radar shall inform Emden Information about every IFR inbound traffic at least 5 minutes prior landing
  • Check DFS AIP IFR for published approach and departure procedures!

EDWI Traffic

  • Wittmund Radar is responsible for controlling traffic from/to Wilhelmshaven "JadeWeserAirport" (EDWI). 
  • Traffic from/to the south will be transferred according to the LoP EDWW ACC (between EIDW and FRI)
  • Wilhelmshaven is uncontrolled, therefore Wittmund Radar will not provide ATC service for traffic below controlled airspace
  • IFR clearances will be coordinated between Wilhelmshaven Information and Wittmund Radar
  • Wittmund Radar shall inform Wilhelmshaven Information about every IFR inbound traffic at least 5 minutes prior landing
  • Check DFS AIP IFR for published approach and departure procedures!

Approach Types

Runway 08

  • SRA
  • PAR

Runway 26

  • ILS
  • SRA
  • PAR

Since Wittmund Precision is currently not implemented on VATSIM, PAR approaches can only be conducted if traffic levels permit - if necessary, Wittmund Radar can coordinate with civilian ATC to keep other inbound traffic outside of the airspace while a PAR approach is taking place; whether this is possible, however, depends on the current workload of civilian ATC.