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Control Zone

  • D(HX) from GND to 2800 ft
  • ED-R 70 south of the airfield

ETSH_CTR.pngCTR Holzdorf - ©

Departing Traffic

Holzdorf Tower shall only issue IFR clearances after coordination with EDWW sector Berlin Arrival!

Every IFR departure from ETSH requires a departure release from both ETSH APP and Bremen Radar prior to issuing a takeoff clearance!

Arriving Verkehr

  • Arriving traffic will be transferred by Holzdorf Radar when established on the final.

VFR Traffic

  • VRPs: November, Oskar, Echo und Whiskey (departures and arrivals max. 1300 ft)
  • Jet Entry: North 1/2, South 1/2 (departures and arrivals max. 1800 ft)