EDDK - Arrival 2501
The area around Cologne is divided into four sub-sectors. In addition to the Approach and Arrival stations, sector NOR handles the lower airspace west and above Cologne up to Maastricht/Rhein Radar.
NOR is the primary station and covers all other Sectors top-down. If only DKA is staffed, this sector will not cover NOR.
DKA frequency shall always be cross-coupled by the responsible controller.
Cologne Approach (DKA)
Approach is responsible for the area around Cologne/Bonn Airport up to the Belgian border. The sector handles all departures from Cologne and presequences all inbound flights for the feeder. If arrivals or departures from Nörvenich (ETNN) take place without Nörvenich Radar (TNNA) being staffed, this traffic is also handled by Approach.
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Area of Responsibility Arrival (Fehler: Border mit SIG1 falsch) |
Langen Radar Sector Nörvenich (NOR)
Langen Sector Nörvenich NOR is located west of the airport above sector DKA and is primarily responsible for the pre-sequencing of inbound flights to Düsseldorf from IBESA via ELDAR and BIKMU. In addition, the sector is responsible for all departures from Cologne to Belgium via NVO.
Frankfurt Outbounds via DITAM - OBOKA also pass through the sector, as do inbound flights to Brussels via UMUPU - GEBSO and NEREL - AGENI.
NOR will cover DKA if not staffed.
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Area of Responsibility Sector Nörvenich (Fehler: NOR 5 liegt über NOR4 bzw. dem gesamten UMUPU-GEBSO Window) |
UMUPU Area and Upper Sector Boarders
The red area shown below reaches up to FL265 and therefore boarders to MUAC and EDUU Sectors Ruhr, Olno and Nattenheim. Minimum Radar Seperation above FL245 is increased to 5nm, which also applies to flights within this area. It is mainly used for Frankfurt outbounds via DITAM-OBOKA and flights to Brussels Group via UMUPU - GEBSO.
(rote area und Olno grenze nicht ganz korrekt, der delegierte Olno Bereich im Westen geht nur bis 255)
Feeder (DKAT)
The Feeder (Arrival) works within the sector of Arrival. Especially during 13 operations the small area between FAF and the Düsseldorf Arrival sector border might require closer coordination between DKA and DKAT. The Feeder has no delegated AoR but instead operates within the same Airspace as DKA. There are no specific transfer conditions. Usually, traffic is handed off descending to FL70. DKA has the discretion to hand off traffic at any level, as long as seperation is ensured.
Nörvenich Radar (military position)
For arrivals to, departures from, and local traffic at the military airbase Nörvenich (ETNN), the station Nörvenich Radar (TNNA) can be staffed. This position is delegated part of the DKA airspace when it is online. Due to the close proximity to EDDK and EDDL, coordination between all positions is essential.
The Easternmost part of the Nörvenich approach sector, sector A, is generally not delegated to TNNA and can be used by DKA. However, while there is inbound traffic for ETNN's runway 24, TNNA can this part of the sector to be able to guide the traffic onto the final approach course. This is usually only the case, when there are more simultaneous inbounds expected and should only be used when absolutely necessary.
While sector A is active, approaches to runway 06 and 24 are no longer possible. Additionally, NVO departures out of runways 24 and 31 as well as COL depeartures out of runway 24 are also suspended, DKA shall immediately inform Tower when sector A is activated and deactivated.
TNNA: DKA, Nörvenich Radar.
DKA: Go ahead.
TNNA: Sector A now active.
DKA: Roger.DKA: Tower, DKA.
DKT: Go ahead.
DKA: Nörvenich sector A active, hold all 24 and 31 NVO departures.
DKT: Roger, holding 24 and 31 NVO departures.
Controllers shall also be aware of the increased separation they need to provide to the border of the Nörvenich AoR, as per the LoA.
delegated sector to Nörvenich Radar (TNNA)
Additionally, a small section of the military position Frisbee Radar (TNGA) protrudes into DKA airspace in the Northwest if it is active.
Airspace Structure
One of the most complex airspace structures in Germany is located around Cologne and Düsseldorf airports, because several airports are located next to each other in a very small area.
Around Cologne there is pirmarily airspace C. Due to the close proximity to the Düsseldorf TMA, the airspace C in Cologne is directly connected to the airspace C in Düsseldorf.
A more detailed representation of Airspace C borders can be found at openflightmaps.
Airspace EDDK/EDDL - © openflightmaps.org
Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA)
The MVA around Cologne-Bonn Airport is shown in the following map:
MVA Cologne-Bonn
Fehler: Winter MVA stimmt, Sommer MVA hat andere Sektoren
Altitudes are in 100ft (20 = 2000ft). Figures in brackets are corrected for winter (NOV-MAR) for cold temperatures.
For Approaches to runways 31 and 24, the Winter MVA is exactly at the intercept altitude for the published instrument Approaches.
In case of an overshoot, the controller must pay special attention to the MVA.
Range/Noise-Abatement Rings
When selecting the active runways in the EDDK_APP sector file, green rings will appear around the intermediate Fixes DK455 (13), DK654 (31), DK554 (24) and DK755 (06), respectively for the selected runways.
They show a 13NM radius to the specified waypoint. In real-life, they are primarily used for noise-abatement reasons, as between 22:00 lcl time and 8:00 lcl, traffic may only descend below FL70 within these circles. For aircraft types B747 and MD11, this restriction applies throughout the day.
For Vatsim, they are especially useful to create a proper inbound sequence and calculate remaining track miles to intercept/touchdown. Any traffic on the border of a circle will have exactly 26NM to touchdown, if taken straight-in. Therefore, if two aircraft from opposite direction reach the circle at the same time, one will have to be delayed. This significally simplifies estimating sufficient delay for inbounds from opposite directions, especially for presesequencing inbounds to the crossing runway system and within the small area between Final Approach Point for runway 13/31 and the DUS/TAU sector border.
Arrival and Approach Procedures
Arrival Routes: The standard arrival routes for Cologne-Bonn start at five waypoints: KOPAG, ERNEP, GULKO in the east and DEPOK in the west and lead to the Initial Approach Fixes WYP and COL.
Clearance Limits:
For all arriving aircraft via KOPAG and GULKO, those Points are also the clearance limit. Special attention must be paid to give a further lateral clearance in time, before the aircraft approaches the waypoint.
For aircrafts arriving via DEPOK or ERNEP the STAR point itself does not have a clearance limit and can be therefore folowed until reaching the Initial Approach Fixes WYP (13) and COL (31). Those IAF are already located close to the final approach sector (on downwind), so normally radar vectoring is used for all inbounds.
Transitions: RNAV transitions to the final approach are published for all runways. Their use depends on the current traffic situation and should be flexible accordingly. These Transitions only exists out of GULKO & KOPAG and are designed for Continous Descend Operations (CDA).
The transitions to runway 13 enter the 1.5NM boundry to DLA. Therefore, these transitions can only be user after prior coordination with the respective controller covering DLA.
Since they are more or less leading straight in, they are not really designed to sequence a bigger amount of inbounds. Instead radar vectoring should be used.
S-Transitions: An exception are the transitions with Designator S to Runway 13L. These extend deep into the approach airspace of Dusseldorf . On VATSIM, these transitions should only be used in close coordination with the controller responsible for Düsseldorf in order to avoid conflicts with approaches and departures from Düsseldorf. Airspace crossing needs to be coordinated individually.
N-Transitions: The transitions with Designator N to runway 31R reaches with the base part into the sector Taunus TAU, which on vatsim is usually served by Langen sectors Kitzingen (KTG), Gießen (GIN) or Rüdesheim (RUD). Its use has to be coordinated with the controller responsible for TAU/SIG.
Approaches: Besides the Surveillance Radar Approach (SRA), which is available for all runways, the following Instrument Approach are available and can be used upon pilots request:
- RWY 13R/31L/06: only RNP
- RWY 13L/31R: ILS and RNP
- RWY 24: ILS and RNP
The SRA Approach should only be used during low traffic periods and when feeder (DKAT) is staffed. Only one Aircraft should be on Feeder Frequency, when commencing SRA Approaches. For further information: Surveillance Radar Approach
Potential Conflicts
Due to its size and the close proximity of approach and departure routes, the Cologne Arrival sector in the east of Cologne/Bonn has the greatest potential for conflict. Especially between the points KOPAG and COL near PODIP, several routes cross, so that special attention must be paid to (vertical) separation there.
Arriving Traffic
Seperation and Spacing:
Depending on the amount of departures, Köln Tower may request arrivals to runway 31/13 with 5 or 6 miles. Coordination is required if these can temporarily not be met or if Tower requires more spacing.
Targetspacing for inbounds only need to be applied by Arrival when requested by Tower! Otherwise radar or WTC seperation is used by default.
Note: In order to maintain seperation Köln Tower may reduce aircraft after transfer of communication without any prior notification.
Usage of RECAT-EU Procedures
According to new wake turbulence minimum separation values established by Eurocontrol, the familiar categories established by the ICAO (Light, Medium, Heavy, Super) have been divided into new sub-categories, thus offering the possibility of separating aircraft in certain categories even more closely.
The DFS has decided to apply the procedure at Cologne Bonn, but only in the “Lower Heavy/Lower Heavy” category and restricted to aircraft types A300, B757 and B767.
This means that two consecutive aircraft (WTC H) can be seperated by 3 miles and do not have to be seperated by 4 miles, as required by ICAO guidelines, if the preceeding aircraft is one of the of the above-mentioned aircraft type. For further information: RECAT-EU
This Procedure is limited to the lateral and vertical sector limits of DKA and only applicable at or below FL110.
Missed Approach:
For all published approaches, missed approaches will be executed as published, unless otherwise coordinated.
Tower has to ensure initial separation between departures and between departures and missed approaches.
He therefore may take action to ensure or reestablish seperation. Radar shall be informed immediately of the action taken.
Transfer of Communication then takes place, once seperation is established. The next departure requires a departure release.
Crossing Runway Operations
It is important during crossing runway operations that the preceeding traffic (landing or departing) has crossed the runway cross before the succeeding traffic (landing) for the other runway has reached the 1 NM final. Otherwise the succeeding traffic has to go around.
Arrival/Feeder has to ensure, that traffic cleared on the approach of crossing runways is separated in a way, that the preceeding traffic has passed the runway crossing point, before the succeeding traffic reached it's 1 NM final. Therefore it is necessary, that both aircraft are cleared on the approach, with at least 2 NM separation between each other. Especially factors like headwind and aircraft performance has to be taken into account.
Runway 13L/31R + Runway 24 Operations: Due to the shorter distance from the FAF (Final Approach Fix) to the crossing point between RWY13L/31R and RWY 06/24, arrivals on RWY 24 shall be declared as the preceeding aircraft whenever possible.
High Inbound Traffic:
DLA Agreement: During high traffic situations at EDDK with 13 operations and low traffic at EDDL, DKA can request a general airspace crossing to vector inbounds 13L/R through the DLA sector. Traffic need to stay at 5.000ft or below within AoR of DLA and at least 3 NM south of the extended centerline RWY 05R. Further individual coordination for level and extension possible when required.
The use of this crossing may be withdrawn, when there is departing traffic in EDDL. Prior notification around 10-15min in before by DLA.