EDDK - High Traffic Procedures
Runway allocation
Outbound 13 operation: All outbounds with WTC Light and Medium are assigned runway 13R for departure. The 1863 m runway should be sufficient for most outbounds. If the pilot reports unable, he will be assigned runway 13L like all Heavies.
ATIS Code "&eddk13r" shall be used:
Inbounds 13 operation: Primary use of runway 13L for all inbounds, runway 24 should not be used.
Outbound 31 operation: All outbounds are assigned runway 31R.
Inbounds 31 operation: All inbounds with WTC Light and Medium are assigned runway 24. Inbounds Code D (B767/A306) should be asked if possible whether they can accept runway 24. All others will be given runway 31R.
Start-up: A maximum of two or three Heavies should be started up at the same time for 13L.
AoR Ground/Apron
To reduce the frequency load in peaks, ground can be splitted into two positions, Ground and a fictional Apron. Apron is responsible for the taxiways in front of the terminal (M, N, B, L) while Ground is responsible for the remaining part at the cargo area.
Bild AoR Apron/Ground
Transfer: The transfer of aircraft between the two stations takes place without conflict (!) with a hold in front of taxiway A5. This traffic is always number one for the receiving station. After coordination, outbounds for runway 13L can be send by Ground to intersection A7 and transferred directly to Tower.
Outbounds to runway 13R are always handed over to the tower with a hold before T/B.
Outbounds to 13L coming from the Cargo Apron should always be asked whether they are able for intersection A5 (prefered intersection for that trafrfic during ground split). Otherwise the transfer for A7 is made to Apron before A5.
Seperation and Spacing
Target spacing on runway 24 is 4 NM or WTC staggering if necessary (note staggering to inbounds runway 31R!).
Target spacing for runway 13L/31R of 7 NM by touchdown must be explicitly requested by the tower.
High Inbound Traffic
DLA Agreement: During high traffic situations at EDDK with 13 operations and low traffic at EDDL, DKA can request a general airspace crossing to vector inbounds 13L/R through the DLA sector. Traffic need to stay at 5.000ft or below within AoR of DLA and at least 3 NM south of the extended centerline RWY 05R. Further individual coordination for level and extension possible when required.
The use of this crossing may be withdrawn, depending on the amount of departing southbound traffic in EDDL. Prior notification around 10-15 minutes before withdrawn by DLA.
TAU/EIF Agreement: To use the sectors of EIF or TAU individual coordination required.
Primarily, only the holdings at GULKO and KOPAG in the centre's area of responsibility should be used. The holding via NVO should not be used due to the outbounds via NVO, ERUKI holding should be used instead.
Which holding is used for inbounds via ERNEP (GULKO or KOPAG) must be coordinated individually depending on the traffic situation (incl. transfer level).
To relieve DKA, PADH and GIN, the TAU/SIG sector combination can be used to manage the holdings. For KOPAG holdings above FL140, the transfer from PADH to SIG takes place at individually coordinated levels.
If holds in the APP area are required at short notice, only WYP (13L) and COL (31R, 24) are to be used, as otherwise there will be conflicts with outbounds. If only inbounds need to be delayed on the 31R, the COL holding in the APP area should be used for this.
Every 3 minutes (or every 6 minutes per ‘holding waypoint’), one aircraft from the KOPAG, GULKO or ERUKI holding can leave the holding (one orbit takes about 4 minutes). It should be noted that NVO/DEPOK inbounds are not prioritised and the delay is evenly distributed. Depending on the situation on the ground, the worst inbound rate is 12 inbounds per 30 minutes!
The inbounds are sent from the centre to WYP (13) or COL (31 and 24) at the normal transfer level to clear the holding. Individual arrangements are possible at any time.
Inbounds 0 - 11: no holds expected
Inbounds 12 - 17: consider outbounds, from 12 outbounds in 30 minutes, holds not excluded
Inbounds 18 - 24: take outbounds into account, from 6 outbounds in 30 minutes, holds likely
Inbounds more than 24: Inbounds exceed the maximum capacity even without outbounds, holdings unavoidable.