DerTraffic Flughafenat the airport is usually characterised VFR and holliday flights, mixed with some scheduled flights. One speciality at the airport is the uncontrolled gras runway north of the field.
Münster/Osnabrück kannis mit dem S2 Rating alsa Minor Airport vonand jedemcan Lotsenbe ohnestaffed speziellewith Einweisungthe besetztS2 werden.rating without any special endorsement.
Münster/Osnabrück ATC StationenStations
Station |
Station ID |
Login |
Frequency |
Remark |
EDDG_ATIS | 127.175 |
-- |
Ground |
DGG | EDDG_GND | 121.875 | -- |
Tower |
DGT | EDDG_TWR | 129.800 | -- |
Sektor Hamm (Arrival) |
HMM | EDDG_HMM_APP | 129.300 | covered by PADL if not staffed |
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