Traffic at the airport is usually characterisedcharacterized by VFR and hollidayholiday flights, mixed with some scheduled flights. One specialityspecialty at the airport is the uncontrolled grasgrass runway north of the field.
Münster/Osnabrück is a Minorminor Airportairport and can be staffed with the S2 rating without any special endorsement. It is also part of the S1-Minor Endorsementendorsement Programmeprogram.
Münster/Osnabrück ATC Stations
Station |
Station ID |
Login |
Frequency |
Remark |
EDDG_ATIS | 127. |
-- |
Ground |
DGG | EDDG_GND | 121. |
-- |
Tower |
DGT | EDDG_TWR | 129. |
-- |
Sector Hamm (Arrival) |
HMM | EDDG_HMM_APP | 129.300 | |
Sector Paderborn High |
PADH | EDGG_PAH_CTR | 135.650 |
Control Zone
Münster/Osnabrück Control Zone (D-CTR) - © openflightmaps.org