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The Mönchengladbach CTR(HX)Tower is responsible for all runway movements and traffic within the CTR.

Departure release

During 13 operations, Mönchengladbach Tower has to obtain a classdeparture Drelease airspacefor all IFR departures from groundthe controller covering the currently applicable airborne frequency. The departing aircraft has to 2000be ftairborne MSL.within two minutes of this release, otherwise the release is automatically void and a new release has to be obtained.

EDDL_CTR.pngCTRDuring Mönchengladbach31 -operations, ©a openflightmaps.orgdeparture release is not required unless the radar controller requests a hold for release.

Authorized aircraftTakeoff

Intersection departures

DueIntersection departures are not possible. All aircraft must depart from full length.


Mönchengladbach utilizes an auto-handoff for all IFR departures whereby pilots are required to switch to the smallairborne sizefrequency immediately when airborne. As the airborne frequency changes with the operating direction and staffing at EDDL, it shall be given together with the takeoff clearance. The possible airborne frequencies are 121.355 (DLD), 128.555 (DLA), and 128.655 (DLAT). An explanation of Mönchengladbach,when thewhich operationfrequency is limited to general aviation and business jets.

Pilots flying unsuitably large aircraft (e.g. A320/B737) should be reminded about the small size of the airport and its short runway length (1200m). 

Parking Positions

Preferred parking for business jets are the  taxi-out positions in front of the Terminal. Other aircraftuse can be parked either at the Comercial areafound in the soutoverview.

ForPhraseology refuelingexample the

ATC: stationBrilliant east1009, ofairborne taxiway Efrequency is used.Düsseldorf Director on 128.655, wind 090 degrees 3 knots, runway 13, cleared for takeoff.
Pilot: Brilliant 1009, airborne frequency is Düsseldorf Director on 128.655, runway 13, cleared for takeoff.

IFRVFR Proceduresroutes & procedures

BothAll runwaysreporting points at EDLN are equippedcompulsory withreporting an ILS, RNP or VOR approach.points.

Departure Spacing

Two aircraft on the same SID require a minimum spacing of 5 NM. All IFR departures require a departure release by Langen Radar prior to issuing a takeoff clearance.

VFR Procedures

Reporting point
Reporting point
Exit to the SW 
(13 ops)
Entry from the SW 
(31 ops)
Schaffrath-Serviceindustrial Centerdistrict (with skylights)Giesenkirchen-Nord
Exit to the N 
(31 ops)
Entry from the N 
(13 ops)
Lakequarry east oflake Kempen

Exit to the N 
(31 ops)
from the N 
(13 ops)

roundabout NW of St. nisvorst

Exit to the N 
(13 ops)


Entry from the N 
(31 ops)

east of the DHL parceldistribution center

Entry from the SW 
(13 ops)

intersection of thehighway A61 motorwayexit and the railway line in the direction of Mönchengladbach nearby HornbachWickrath

Exit & Entry from the West

highway intersection A52 and A52/A61


Mönchengladbach utilizes an auto-handoff procedure for IFR departures where Tower will not hand off outbounds to the arrival controller. That frequency depends on the runway in use at Düsseldorf, so coordination with arrival is required. Make sure to set the correct departure frequency in the ATIS.

Outbounds should contact APP immediately when airborne unless explicitly told to remain on Tower frequency.