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The Mannheim CTR (CTR(HX) is a class D airspace from ground to 2000 ft MSL. 

grafik.pngControlzoneCTR Mannheim/City - ©

Authorized aircraft

OnlyDue to the followingsmall size of Mannheim/City, there are restrictions on which aircraft aretypes allowedcan tobe landflown at Mannheim City Airport:

On the hard surface RWY:airport:

  • Airplanes up to 10.000 kg MTOW
  • Donier 328-100 (D328)
  • Dash 8-100 and 300 (DH8A, DH8C)
  • ATR 42-500 (AT45)
  • Falcon 50, 2000, 900 EX/DX (FA50, F2TH, F900)
  • Challenger 300 (CL30)
  • Cessna 680 (C680)
  • Embraer Legacy 450, 500 (E450, E500)

OnPilots flying unsuitably large aircraft (e.g. A320/B737) should be reminded about the small size of the airport and its short runway length. However, pilots flying aircraft that are not part of the above list, but similar in size and performance (e.g. C700) can usually still be accepted in the VATSIM environment.

Additionally, the grass RWY:runway

All other aircraft should be requested to divert to the alternate airport or to change the aircraft if still able to do so..

Parking Positions

PreferedPreferred parking for Airlines are the two taxi-out positions in front of the Terminal. Other aircraft can be parked either at the positions 1 - 1-5, the hangars or at the grass area. For refueling the gas station east of taxiway A is used.

VFRIFR FlightsProcedures

NextInstrument toapproach theprocedures hardare surface runway a grass runway (27/09, 795 x 30m) isonly available for Light Type aircraft up to 5.700 kg MTOW.

Leaving CTR via the following routings:

  • RWYrunway 27: Romeo,a Whiskey,localizer Sierraapproach
  • and
  • RWYan 09:RNP Kilo, Echo, Sierra

Entering CTR via the following routings:

  • RWY 27: Kilo, Sierra
  • RWY 09: Romeo

Traffic Pattern:approach. Due to noiseits abatementlower reasonsminima and higher lateral precision, the southernlocalizer traffic patternapproach is preferedpreferred.

Departure shouldSpacing

Two usedaircraft as often as practical. VFR traffic should not overflyon the citysame SID require a minimum spacing of Mannheim,5 LudwigshafenNM. and the surrounding villages. Additionally there are 3 hospitals with helicopter landing sites W/NW of the airport (see VFR Chart for details).

IFR Departures

All IFR departures will get one of the SIDs out of Mannheim. Prior takeoff clearancerequiredeparture release by Langen Radar isprior requiredto issuing a takeoff clearance.

Visual circling

Since the instrument approach procedures are only available for allrunway 27, IFR flights.arrivals need to fly a visual circling maneuver during 09 operations. This maneuver is only allowed South of the airport.

AllTo departuresensure shallseparation between inbounds and outbounds, a takeoff clearance for a 09 departure can only be separatedissued byonce radarthe separationinbound has passed abeam the threshold of runway 27.

EDFM visual circling.jpg

To remind pilots that they need to fly a visual circling, they should be asked to report breaking off or wakewhen turbulencereaching separation,the whicheverright downwind.

ATC: JMP902, report breaking off.

ATC: JMP902, report right downwind.

In the event of a go around, the pilot is greater.expected Departuresto flyingrejoin the sameright SIDdownwind shalland from there join the published missed approach procedure. However, since many pilots on VATSIM will be spacedunfamiliar by at least 5NM whenwith the followingdetails of visual circling procedures, they should be told what to do:

ATC: JMP902, join right downwind runway 09.

And once the aircraft overfliesis on right downwind runway 09:

ATC: JMP902, follow the departurepublished endmissed approach procedure.

VFR Procedures

Traffic circuits

Due to noise abatement, the Southern traffic circuit should be used whenever possible. The Northern traffic circuit should only be used if the Southern one is unavailable. Additionally, VFR aircraft are expected to avoid overflying the cities of runway.Mannheim and Ludwigshafen as well as the surrounding villages.

Reporting point
Reporting point
Exit to the NW (27 ops)
Entry from the NW (09 ops)
highway A6 bridge over the Rhine river
Exit to the N (27 ops)
Entry from the N (09 ops)
highway intersection A6 and A67

Exit to the NE (09 ops)

highway intersection A5 and A659
Exit to the SW (27 ops)
between lakes North of Waldsee

Exit to the S
Entry from the S (27 ops)

between Brühl and Rhine river