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vSID Controller Manual

vSID is a Euroscope plugin and is intended to support the controller in the initial data maintenance of outbounds. The focus is on assigning the correct departure runway and the appropriate SID including initial climb. A variety of criteria are automatically taken into account (e.g. preferred runway, WTC, etc.). In addition, the plugin ensures that the assigned SIDs are defined in the flight plan (e.g. “SOBRA2L/18” at the beginning of the route) and thus every controller has the same information, regardless of the individually set runway configuration.

The required items (vRWY, vSID, vIC) can be displayed in the Departure and Startup list via the filter (F).


The plugin has the following custom TagItems so that additional information can be displayed using colors.

The colors for the bright radar profiles are slightly different, but based on a similar principle.

  • RWY
    • white: the DRWY suggested by the plugin
    •  green : DRWY is set in the flightplan and is an active departure runway
    •  yellow : set DRWY is no an active departure runway
  • SID
    • white: suggested SID based on the basic SID assignment not set in the flightplan
    •  light yellow : suggested SID deviating from the basic SID assignment (e.g. different runway) not set in the flightplan 
    •  green : SID is set in the flightplan and is the preferred one based on the default assignment
    •  orange : SID is set in the flightplan but deviates from one based on the default assignment
    •  MANUAL : SID need to be set manually (e.g. local flights).
    •  EQUIP : mismatching equipment filed, no suitable SID found
  • IC
    • white: suggested initial climb, but still not set as temporary altitude
    •  green : suggested initial climb set and “climb via SID” required
    •  blue : suggested initial climb set and “climb” required
    •  orange : initial climb deviates from the published initial climb

Controller Procedure

All used departure runways need to be active in Euroscope to use the plugin.

The temporary altitude and the SID should be defined in the flight plan (green or orange) at the latest with the enroute clearance. Only then will the IC color for “climb via SID” or “climb” be displayed. Among other things, this should help to ensure that SID and IC are entered reliably by the controller and that incorrect Euroscope assignments are avoided.

In manual mode, this is done by left-clicking on the suggested SID. In auto mode, the plugin automatically sets the SIDs in the FP.

It is required to set a runway prior to manually selecting a SID, as the SID menu only shows available SIDs for a specific runway.

Auto Mode

The plugin can be operated in auto mode. All SIDs and the initial climbs are set according to the assignment in the FP. FPs that already have a defined SID/DRWY are not changed by the plugin.

  • .vsid auto
    • Automatic mode is activated for all active airports. For DEL - TWR only for the own airport (based on the login).
    • If a subordinate station is online for an airport (DEL - TWR or the responsible arrival controller), auto mode is not activated for this airport!
  • .vsid auto icao
    • “Forced Mode": Auto mode is only activated for the named airport, subordinate stations are ignored.
    • Only works if a subordinate station is online and the automatic deactivation of auto mode is to be ignored!
    • Switches auto mode on or off for the named airport (toggle function)
    • This command is not normally required!
  • .vsid auto off

If a subordinate station logs in (applies to DEL - CTR according to the responsibility) and sets the primary frequency, the own auto mode is automatically switched off for this airport. However, if someone else has auto mode active at the same time, a warning is issued, including information on which login has auto mode active and a SID set.

Plugin Commands

Additional (custom) assignment conditions can be activated/deactivated via the command line. Check the local airport SOP for more details.

Change of operating direction

When the operating direction is changed in Auto mode, all outbounds without a clearance received flag (CRF) are automatically assigned the new SID and runway. For all others, the new SID can be assigned if required by clicking on the SID in the lists.


vSID offers the possibility for synchronized requests when set between all online controllers.

To synchronize the own active requests, ground status and clearance received flags with a new controller, the command “.vsid sync” can be used. The new station do not need to do anything to receive the synchronisation. 

Equipment Check

vSID will check the flightplan for the correct equipment that only RNAV capable aircraft will get a RNAV SID. The modern airliners (e.g. A320, B738) are assumed to be always RNAV capable. 

In case an outbound is RNAV capable with false equipment filed, the ICAO equipment “G” can be added or the FAA equipment “/L” should be used to get the correct assignment.

Check Flightplans

Please pay attention to the error message of the Flight Plan Checker (FPC) to recognize strange flight plans despite the automatic assignment of the SIDs!