Airspace classes according to ICAO What is airspace? A simple question at first glance, but how ...
Airspace class A
General There are currently no class A airspaces in Germany. However, they are widespread in the...
Airspace class B
General There are currently no class B airspaces in Germany. They are also not common in the res...
Airspace class C
General In Germany, airspace above FL100 upwards (or FL130 upwards Alpine regions) generally is ...
Airspace class D
General In Germany, Delta is found in the local traffic control area of less frequented commerci...
Control zone (D-CTR)
A control zone (CTR) is the controlled airspace in the immediate vicinity of a commercial airport...
Airspace class E
General In Germany, airspace E usually extends from 2500 ft GND to FL100, provided it is not int...
Airspace class F
General There are currently no class F airspaces in Germany, and neither are there in the rest o...
Airspace class G
General In Germany, Class G airspace extends from the ground or water to 2500 ft, provided it is...
Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ)
An Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) is intended to protect traffic around a highly frequented, uncont...
Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ)
A Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) is a defined area where carrying and using a transponder trans...
Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ)
IFR arrivals and departures require increased attention in the vicinity of aerodromes, which is w...