Air law
Airspace classes according to ICAO What is airspace? A simple question at first glance, but how ...
Airspace class A
General There are currently no class A airspaces in Germany. However, they are widespread in the...
Airspace class B
General There are currently no class B airspaces in Germany. They are also not common in the res...
Airspace class C
General In Germany, airspace above FL100 upwards (or FL130 upwards Alpine regions) generally is ...
Airspace class D
General In Germany, Delta is found in the local traffic control area of less frequented commerci...
Control zone (D-CTR)
A control zone (CTR) is the controlled airspace in the immediate vicinity of a commercial airport...
Airspace class E
General In Germany, airspace E usually extends from 2500 ft GND to FL100, provided it is not int...
Airspace class F
General There are currently no class F airspaces in Germany, and neither are there in the rest o...
Airspace class G
General In Germany, Class G airspace extends from the ground or water to 2500 ft, provided it is...
Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ)
An Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) is intended to protect traffic around a highly frequented, uncont...
Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ)
A Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) is a defined area where carrying and using a transponder trans...
Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ)
IFR arrivals and departures require increased attention in the vicinity of aerodromes, which is w...
Flight Level, Altitude, Height, Elevation, Level - All the Same? Not at All... Terminology Let'...
Flight plan
A flight plan specifies how a flight is planned to be conducted. Along with the callsign and airc...
Flight rule change
In addition to major airports and airfields with an RMZ (Radio Mandatory Zone), there are many sm...