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Departing Traffic

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots.


A thorough preparation is important for any flight. We ask you to conduct a thorough briefing to avoid delays and keep it fun for everyone.

Route planning

You can find valid routes for many destinations in the AeroNav Global Route Database.

When planning a route via SimBrief, please use routes with the Eurocontrol icon, as those will generally be valid.

Eurocontrol SimBrief.jpg

When filing an invalid flight plan, you will usually have to file a completely new flight plan before ATC can issue your enroute clearance.


No startup clearance is required for operational air traffic. Pilots may make their initial call when ready for taxi. Pushbacks are not required from any position.
Other traffic requires a normal startup clearance.

While Nörvenich's layout is relatively simple, it is still important to conduct a thorough briefing of expected taxi routes as well as correct taxiing. To avoid delays for yourself and other users, start taxiing as soon as possible after receiving your taxi clearance.

Enroute Clearance

Unlike at civilian airports, pilots departing Nörvenich under IFR will usually receive their enroute clearance during taxi or at the last chance area. Pilots can expect to be cleared via an OID followed by radar vectors or a direct to an initial waypoint.

OIDs differ from the SIDs you might be used to from civilian flying. Please make sure you are familiar with the concept before flying from Nörvenich.


ATC will never assume you are ready for departure. To receive your lineup and takeoff clearance, you are required to report ready for departure. Only use the absolute minimum amount of time necessary on the runway before beginning your takeoff roll. If you take too long, ATC will have to cancel your takeoff clearance and potentially issue a go around for another aircraft.

Formation departures have to first request lineup and then report ready for departure once all elements are lined up and ready for departure.

Instrument departures

When departing under IFR, follow your enroute clearance and contact the departure frequency when advised by Tower.

Visual departures

Military fighter jets are required to depart using one of the four jet departure routes. These aircraft are prohibited from climbing above 1000ft before reaching the departure end of the runway and shall climb up to 2500ft thereafter if weather permits.
SAR helicopters are required to depart using one of the three SAR helicopter exit routes. These routes are not available for any other traffic than SAR helicopters.
Any other traffic is required to depart using one of the standard departure routes. Jet aircraft may only utilize the Northern pattern after departure.

Reporting Point
forest Hambacher Forst
roundabout L33 and L264
rail bridge over A61
highway A1 West of Bliesheim
Exit North
rail bridge over A61
Exit East
intersection L265 and A1
Exit South
roundabout L33 and L264
Exit West
parallel highway A4 and rail tracks split up