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Lists Explanation

Sector List


The Sector List is used in the Bremen Radar profile. To use this list in the Rhein Radar and Maastricht Radar profile, in the Topsky Menu bar click on "Tools" > "Flight Plan Lists" > "Sector List...".

List Item Description Left click Right click
ASSR Assigned Squawk Code Assign Squawk --
FR Flight Rule Indicator --
C/S Callsign Open Callsign Menu Toggle Route Draw
C Communication Type Indicator Change Communication Type --
AYTP Aircraft Type + WTC --
ADEP Departure Aerodrome Open Flight Plan --
ETN Estimated Time of Sector Entry -- --
COPN Sector Entry Waypoint Open Waypoint Coordination Menu --
PEL Planned Sector Entry Level Open PEL Coordination Menu --
ADES Destination Aerodrome Open Flight Plan --
ETX Estimated Time of Sector Exit -- --
COPX Sector Exit Waypoint Open Waypoint Coordination Menu Open Waypoint Menu
XFL Sector Exit Level Open XFL Coordination Menu --
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open CFL Menu Open RFL Menu
RFL Requested Final Level Open RFL Menu Open RFL Menu
AHDG Assigned Heading Open AHDG Menu Open Waypoint Menu
STAR Assigned STAR Open STAR Menu --
RWY Assigned Arrival Runway Open Runway Menu --
SI Next Sector Indicator Open SI Menu --
STND Planned Arrival Stand Open Stand Menu Open Stand Menu

Departure List


Note: When using the Bremen Radar Profile, the ADEP column is also displayed by default. 

List Item Description Left click Right click
TIMER Pending Request Time -- --
REQ Pending Request Open Request Menu
CALLSIGN Callsign Open Callsign Menu Toggle Route Draw
TOBT Target Off-Block Time (CDM) Set Ready TOBT Status Open TOBT Menu
TSAT Target Start-Up Time (CDM) -- Open CDM Menu
CTOT Calculated Takeoff Time (CDM) Open CTOT Menu Get ECFMP FM as text
STAND Departure Stand -- --
ATYP Aircraft Type Edit Scratchpad (Remarks) Open Communication Type Menu
W WTC highlight Toggle WTC highlight --
V Flight Rules Indicator -- --
FPC Flight Plan Checker Process FPL Check FPL
DH Delivery Helper Process FPL Process FPL
ADEP Departure Aerodrome Open Flight Plan Open Flight Plan
ADES Destination Aerodromeme Open Flight Plan Open Flight Plan
RWY Assigned Departure Runway Open Runway Menu --
SID Assigned SID Open SID Menu Open SID Menu
VIA Climb via SID indicator -- --
CLMB Cleared Level Open CFL Menu Open CFL Menu
RFL Requested Final Level Open RFL Menu Open RFL Menu
aSSR Assigned Squawk Auto Assign Squawk Open Squawk Menu
DCL Datalink Clearance Indicator Open DCL Menu --
C Clearance Received Flag Set Clearance Received Flag --
STS Ground State Open Ground State Menu Open Ground State Menu
T Communication Type Indicator Open Communication Type Menu Open Communication Type Menu
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Edit Scratchpad (Remarks) Edit Scratchpad (Remarks)

Startup List


By default the Start-Up List is disabled. Especially when working Delivery during events it is recommended to use the Startup list as traffic with taxi, lineup or takeoff ground states are filtered out. To display the Start-Up List click on the "Quick SET" menu in Euroscope, then on "Show Startup List". 

List Item Description Left click Right click
TIMER Pending Request Time -- --
REQ Pending Request Open Request Menu
FPC Flight Plan Checker Process FPL Check FPL
CALLSIGN Callsign Open Callsign Menu Assume/Transfer
C Clearance Received Flag Set Clearance Received Flag --
TOBT Target Off-Block Time (CDM) Set Ready TOBT Status Open TOBT Menu
TSAT Target Start-Up Time (CDM) -- Open CDM Menu
CTOT Calculated Takeoff Time (CDM) Open CTOT Menu Get ECFMP FM as text
STAND Departure Stand -- Open Stand Menu
ATYP Aircraft Type Edit Scratchpad (Remarks) Open Communication Type Menu
W WTC highlight Toggle WTC highlight --
V Flight Rules Indicator -- --
ADES Destination Aerodromeme Open Flight Plan Open Flight Plan
RWY Assigned Departure Runway Open Runway Menu Open Runway Menu
SID Assigned SID Open SID Menu Open SID Menu
VIA Climb via SID indicator -- --
CLMB Cleared Level Open CFL Menu Open CFL Menu
RFL Requested Final Level Open RFL Menu Open RFL Menu
aSSR Assigned Squawk Auto Assign Squawk Open Squawk Menu
DEL Delivery Helper Process FPL Process FPL
DCL Datalink Clearance Indicator Open DCL Menu Set Clearance Received Flag
STS Ground State Open Ground State Menu Open Ground State Menu
T Communication Type Indicator Open Communication Type Menu Open Communication Type Menu
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Edit Scratchpad (Remarks) Edit Scratchpad (Remarks)