S2 Training (TWR)
The S2 training takes place in the RGFIR Frankfurt startsLangen at Stuttgart/EDDSthe airport.following Thereairports. We hereby differentiate between Tier 1 and unrestricted airports:
Tier 1 | Unrestricted |
To start your training at a Tier 1 airport, you willmust collectapply the first training steps together withfor a mentor.ground Afterendorsement about two months, you will move toin our majorforum:
This Frankfurt/EDDF,is where you will gainpractice furtheryour experienceskills on the ground position. This level of training is accompanied by a Moodle course and is mainly self-study.
If you decide to do your training at aan moreunrestricted complexairport, airportyou andwill preparestart active training from the tower introduction. You still have to complete the Moodle course for the Controllerground Practicalpart. Test
After whichat least 25 hours and 3 months, you can register for a tower briefing. In addition to theory lessons, the mentors will completeteach you how to work in a tower position in simulations and online training sessions.
As soon as your towermentor training.
The training takes place underyou the student's own responsibility. This means that you havego-ahead to apply forfill the nextposition training steps on your own and on time. Throughout your training,alone, you will bereceive guidedsolo byclearance afor moodle30 course,days. where you can check your current progress. It is important that you request your "CPT preparation training" in time beforeAt the end of your solo phase. Otherwise, the solo phasephase, willyou bemust automatically terminated. It is also highly recommended to plan your CPT to take placecomplete at least one monthCPT beforepreparation training course. If you successfully complete this, you will receive another solo release for 30 days, at the end of which the CPT will take place.
In the event that you fail the exam on the first attempt, we will have another 30 days of solo phase to prepare you for the retry.
If you have not received your Solophaserating at the end of the 90 days, the training will be paused for 1 year.
The solo phase lasts a maximum of 90 days. However, how we divide it up is up to us and can be individually adjusted to planeach trainee. It is up to you to inform your preparationmentor accordingly.if you are not available so that we can cancel your solo phase in time.
For each training, you have to prepare yourself according to the Moodle Course. It is important that you not only read the documents but also understand and learn the content. If a training reveals that you do not meet the requirements, the training can immediately be canceled.
Every training will take place on our Teamspeak server in the channel "Training Briefing/Debriefing" of the RG Frankfurt.
We expect you to use your training efficiently because it requires a lot of mentoring hours. This means that we expect you to control at least twofour hours per week.week during your solo phase. If this is not the case and you do not log any sessions during a month,case, we reserve the right to withdraw your solo phase without warning. Exceptions may be made in agreement with the lead mentor.
You can find the Moodle Course here: EDFF Curriculum S1/S2
Training Steps

EDDSTier Online1 TrainingGround Endorsement
You have controlled at least 25 hours during the S1 training and 3 months have passed since your lesson.
You have requested an introductory session in our forum.
You have completed and passed the chapter SOP Test in the Moodle course
If you have been placed on a waiting list, you have controlled at least 10 hours
duringin the last two months
Together with a mentor, you will go through the theory for your endorsement and practice staffing the position during a sim session. If your mentor is satisfied with your performance, he will give you your ground endorsement. Otherwise, a second session may follow or the training will continue at an unrestricted airport.
While it is not prohibited, we strongly recommend that you only control the training airport. An exception to this is the preparation for the tower introduction. This can be practiced again shortly beforehand on an S1 trainingtower.
Ground Checkout
- You have
requestedcontrolledan online trainingfor atEDDSleastin25ourhoursforumon[ANGEBOTE/REQUESTS]theTraininggroundRequestendorsementThreadand at least 3 months have passed since the last training. - A mentor has contacted you regarding your
trainingcheckout - You have booked the station with Training=Yes as soon as the training date is confirmed. If there is a booking conflict, contact your mentor
In this checkout, you show two mentors that you can apply the skills you have learned on ground. To do this, you occupy the position for at least 1 hour. This is followed by a detailed debriefing.
If the checkout is rated positively, you can apply for your Tower Introduction.
The Checkout has to be done only on Tier 1 airports.
Tower Introduction
- A mentor has contacted you regarding your training
- You have completed and passed the chapter "
EDDS Online Training" in the moodle course You have controlled at least 10 hours in the last two months
Together with a mentor, you will occupy the position EDDS_TWR and under his guidance, you will control the entire airport.
After you successfully complete your tower training, you are allowed to control all stations up to Tower (S1 solo phase) at the training airport Stuttgart/EDDS and will now be able to control on your own. If you have any questions, you can (and should) contact one of the mentors at any time.
Within 40 days you should gain experience and at least 25 hours on the position you have been assigned (please also in the evening, especially on the online day in Stuttgart, i.e. Sunday evening). Please apply for introductory training in Frankfurt/EDDF 40 days after the start of the solo phase at the latest.
No later than 60 days after receiving your solo phase, you should have learned the procedures in Stuttgart/EDDS to the extent that you can move to Frankfurt/EDDF to continue your training. You can deviate from this standard on the recommendation of your mentor or due to your express wish to continue your training in Stuttgart/EDDS.
The S1 Solophase is valid for 60 days. Then a decision must be made about where you will continue your training. Otherwise, the Solophase expires! If the release expires after 60 days without you having been active for further training (e.g. requesting another training), the Solophase will simply be removed.
While your Solophase is in Stuttgart/EDDS, you may only control in Stuttgart/EDDS, not on the other minor airports.
It is strongly recommended that VFR can be controlled correctly and confidently before moving to Frankfurt since trainees in Frankfurt have little contact with VFR. A further indication of whether one is ready for the change to Frankfurt is the ability to know all common IFR phraseologies (especially IFR Clearance) fluently, accurately, and by heart.
EDDF Introduction
You have controlled for at least 25 hours in StuttgartA mentor has contacted you regarding your trainingYou have completed and passed the chapter "EDDFTWR Introduction" in themoodleMoodle course
TheAfter the theory lesson, the introductory session will beis held in two parts. TheDepending firston the training isairport, athe theory and simulation withsessions 07-opsmay andtake place on the secondsame oneday. with 25-ops.
After successful instruction, you will continue your tower trainingtraining. in Frankfurt/EDDF. For the remaining time ofDuring your S1 Solophasesolo phase (12030 days in the standard case), you will independently control independentlyyour intraining Frankfurt/EDDFairport and prepare for your CPT, which you will also takecomplete there.
Please apply for an over-the-shoulder training after 2 to 3 weeks. You should have controlled at least 10 hours by then.
While the Solophase is in Frankfurt/EDDF, you may only control in Frankfurt/EDDF, not in Stuttgart/EDDS.
OTS Training
- You have controlled for at least 10 hours
in Frankfurt - Your introduction was 2
to 3weeks ago - A mentor has contacted you regarding your training
- You have booked the station with Training=Yes as soon as the training date is confirmed. If there is a booking conflict, contact your mentor
- You have completed and passed the chapter "OTS Training" in the
moodleMoodle course
Together with a mentor, you control EDDF_S_TWRXXXX_TWR (and all stations below) in the evening. The mentor checks if you are applying all procedures correctly and how you handle yourself online.
After another Latest2 50 daysweeks, before the end of your solo phase, you should requestapply for your CPT preparation training in the forum.training.
CPT Preparation Training
- You have controlled at least 25 hours at your exam airport
- You have a good routine for dealing with "normal" traffic situations
- You have reviewed all theory you have learned throughout your training
- A mentor has contacted you regarding your training
- You have completed the chapter "CPT Preparation Training" in the
moodleMoodle course
Usually, two CPT preparation trainings are conducted in the simulator. Take the opportunity to listen to other trainings!
If the mentor is satisfied with your performance and your theoretical knowledge, he will give you the "go" for your final training.
Please make sure thatIf you havesuccessfully controlledcomplete the first CPT preparation training, you will be given a further solo phase of 30 at least 40 hours at your exam airportdays..
Final Training
You have controlled at least 40 hours at your exam airport- Your mentor has given you the "go" for the final training
- You have booked the station with Training=Yes as soon as the training date is confirmed. If there is a booking conflict, contact your mentor
You will occupy the examination station under the supervision of a mentor. GND and DEL are blocked, so this training shows if you are ready for the CPT.
DEL and GND should always be occupied on Fridays except on CPTs, so unfortunately the final training on TWR cannot take place on Fridays.
The mentor might notice a few things that you could do better that didn't show up in the simulator.
If the mentor is satisfied with your performance, he will give you the "Go" for the CPT. He then makes an appointment with you and applies for your CPT. With your CPT application, the ATSimTest will be activated.
ATSimTest S2
- Your mentor has given you the "go" for your CPT
ReadYou can find thetraining materialtest onvateud.net/ Training / ATC Training. Here you will find all information you need to passtheATSimTest.following webpage: https://www.atsimtest.com- If you have further questions about the contents of the ATSimTest, please contact one of the
mentors.mentors, before you submit the exam
The ATSimTest must be completed and passed before starting the CPT. Otherwise, the exam cannot take place!
- Your mentor gave you the "go" for the CPT
- You have passed the ATSimTest
- You have booked the station for a duration of 1 hour (times in UTC!)
- In the [STAFFING/BOOKING] RG Frankfurt ATC Coverage Thread you have left a note that you want to do a CPT at that time.
- Your mentor or the Lead Mentor will request an examiner at the ATC Training Department. If your CPT can take place, you will see this in the thread Bestätigte Controller CPTs
. - All CPTs held on a day other than Friday must be advertised. You can request your advertisement in the following thread: [CPT] Request für CPT-Werbung (The leading mentor has the final say in whether the CPT should be advertised)
. - Please organize a replacement yourself, e.g. by creating a thread in the forum section of the RG Frankfurt or by asking for it in the Staffing/Booking Thread.
- If your CPT takes place at a Tier 1 airport, please organize a ground controller.
InDuring the CPTCPT, you show two examiners (ATD examiner and local assessor)examiner) that you have mastered all ground positions. All contents of the tower training are relevant for the exam. If your CPT takes place at a Tier 1 airport, you will only be examined at the tower position, whereas at an unrestricted airport, you will control the entire airport top down.
Tip: control safely and exactly the way you learned it. Don't try to control the traffic overly cautiously, nor do try to get out to all limits and beyond - the examiners only want to see that you can handle the traffic volume well and as confidently as possible. A perfect CPT is therefore very boring for the examiners to watch. If you should have a major mishap or it's just not your day at all, don't be too disappointed about a failed CPT - of course, you have (mostly after a new CPT preparation training) another try.
After passing the CPT, you will apply for the S2 rating. With the rating upgrade to S2, you getwill thebe clearanceauthorized to occupyoperate at all minor airports in Germany and to be assigned to majorTier 1 or Tier 2 airports.