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This Book will intreduce you to Tactical Fighter Controle used by GCI (Sunrise and Loneship). The Following Pages have been kindly provided by Virtual NATO.


Material published by vNATO ( These Documents are copyright proprietary of VIRTUAL NATO and may not be reproduced without written permission of the author. Reading these manuals constitutes acceptance of the Copyrights of the Author.

Knowledge of these documents is considered paramount to flight safety on the VATSIM Network.

Any unauthorized use of the information in this manual in an actual flight (without reference to the official publication) is strictly prohibited. The authors of this manual assume no responsibility for the completeness of these documents or their use in Simulated or Real Aviation.

This is NOT an official AVIATION document. It is used to Support and Teach private Persons and flying Enthusiasts to have a good knowledge base of Flying in Simulated Environments. is in NO WAY affiliated with or any real world NATO organisation/companies related, therefore, WE are a stand-alone, non-profit virtual organisation of flight simulation enthusiast, a group of friends with the common interest in promoting enjoyment and education through the simulation of military operations and procedure through the use of operating standards within several flight simulation platforms as VATSIM

Virtual NATO Military Committee

Virtual NATO Staff