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Intersecting runways

Many airports have intersecting runways either to compensate for prevailing weather conditions or to increase efficiency due to a lack of space. In Germany, Hamburg and Cologne are particularly well known for their intersecting runways.

As always, there are rules and regulations that must be observed when using the two runways simultaneously.

In this chapter, we will consider all possible combinations for using the runways.

Departure - Departure

In the case of two departures on intersecting runways, the second aircraft may only begin the take-off run if one of the following conditions is met:

The other aircraft is taking off and

  • has taken off and has initiated a turn that excludes the possibility of undercutting the separation or

  • has crossed the intersection.

Intersecting Runways 1.pngArrival - Departure

The situation is different if we have a preceding inbound, in which case the second aircraft on the intersecting runway may only begin the take-off run if one of the following conditions is met:

The other aircraft lands and

  • has left the runway or

  • has been instructed to stop before the intersection and has completed the landing roll or

  • has crossed the intersection.

Intersecting Runways 2.png

Abflug - Anflug

Bei einem abfliegenden Luftfahrzeug gefolgt von einem anfliegenden Luftfahrzeug auf der kreuzenden Piste, darf das folgende Luftfahrzeug den Anfang der Piste erst überfliegen, wenn eine der folgenden Bedingungen gegeben ist::

Das andere Luftfahrzeug startet und

  • hat abgehoben und eine Kurve eingeleitet, die eine Staffelungsunterschreitung ausschließt
  • hat die Kreuzung überquert. 

Intersecting Runways 4.png

Arrival - Arrival

The last possibility is a landing aircraft followed by another landing aircraft on the intersecting runway. The following aircraft may only fly over the runway threshold if one of the following conditions is met:

The other aircraft is landing and

  • has left the runway or

  • has been instructed to stop before the intersection and has completed the landing roll or

  • has crossed the intersection.

Intersecting Runways 3.png

Simultaneous use of intersecting runways

The simultaneous use of intersecting runways may only be authorized for two landing aircraft under the following conditions:

  • One of the intersecting runways has an available distance between threshold and intersection of at least 2200 meters. 

  • An aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of up to 2000 kg lands on this runway.

Intersecting Runways 5.png

All of the following conditions must additionally be met:

  • VMC

  • The braking action is not negatively affected.

  • Both aircraft have been informed of the simultaneous landings.

  • The aircraft landing on the 2200m runway has been instructed to stop before the intersection.