Laage Radar is responsible for departing and arriving traffic from/to ETNL.
When online, Laage Radar activates its delegated AoR within Bremen ACC sector Müritz (MRZ). Full responsibility is delegated to Laage Radar for this airspace.
Laage Radar shall inform Bremen ACC sector Müritz about the opening and closing of AoR Laage immediately!
Arriving traffic
- Arriving traffic is always coordinated individually between Bremen Radar and Laage Radar ("Radar Handover")
- Normally traffic will descend to 5000 ft and continue on a heading given by EDWW. It's expected that Laage accepts or states entry conditions if not suitable during Radar Handover coordination.
Departing traffic
- Departing IFR traffic will be transferred from Laage Tower to Laage Radar initially.
- Laage Radar is responsible to verify mode C readout and to identify the departing aircraft
- Usually, Laage Radar shall coordinate a further climb with EDWW before departure release or coordinate a general release of the climb. If no further climb is coordinated, departing IFR traffic leaving the AoR shall be transferred to Bremen Radar after identification.
- Laage Radar is responsible to verify mode C readout and to identify the departing aircraft
Approach Types
- Usually used by civil traffic
- Classified for CAT I operations only.
- Only used by military traffic
- Usually used by civil traffic
- Only used by military traffic
- Guidance by Laage Radar
- Sequencing on final by Laage Radar
- Guidance on final by Laage Precision
Laage Precision
- Is only responsible for PAR approaches
- Traffic is controlled by a special radar system
- Laage Radar will issue an initial vector leading to the final before performing a radar handover to Laage Precision
- Only one aircraft at a time shall be on the frequency of Laage Precision