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Die Streckenfreigabe (enroute clearance), oft auch Instrumentenflugfreigabe (IFR clearance) genannt, ist in der Regel die erste Clearance, welche ein Fluglotse jedem abfliegenden IFR-Piloten gibt. Sie enthält, wie der Name schon sagt, wichtige Anweisungen zur ...
Übersicht Radarstaffelung (engl. Radar separation) beschreibt einen horizontalen und vertikalen Mindestabstand, welchen zwischen zwei Luftfahrzeugen, die sich in der Luft befinden, bestehen muss. Da die Sicherheit das höchste Gut in der Luftfahrt ist, muss s...
Pushback und Rollführung
Ground/Apron ist für den Pushback und die gesamte Rollführung am Flughafen verantwortlich. Dabei unterscheiden sich Ground und Apron dahingehend, dass in der Realität Ground von der DFS und Apron vom Flughafenbetreiber selbst betreut wird. In Deutschland gibt ...
Bei der Verfahrensstaffelung (auch prozedurale Staffelung genannt) können sich zwei Luftfahrzeuge unter bestimmten Umständen näher als die bei der Radarstaffelung notwendigen 3 NM kommen. Bei folgenden Beispielen wird Verfahrensstaffelung genutzt: Unabhängig...
Übergabe Approach / Feeder / Center
Während der Artikel Übergabe Tower das West-Prinzip bereits eingehend beleuchtet, wird in diesem Artikel eine praktikablere Methode für den Approach und Center-Bereich vorgestellt. Weiterhin ist parallel das West-Prinzip natürlich anwendbar, birgt aber Risiken...
Aufgabenbereich Apron / Ground
Unterschied Apron vs. Ground Apron und Ground, zwei auf den ersten Blick ähnliche Begriffe: Auch auf den zweiten Blick unterscheiden sich die beiden kaum. Ground ist nur für den Rollverkehr in allen Bereichen außerhalb des Vorfelds (Bereich der Parkpositione...
Tasks of Air traffic controllers
Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) are responsible for providing the Air Traffic Control Service according to ICAO Document 4444 (Air Traffic Management - something like the bible of air traffic control, setting international standards) and ICAO Annex 11 (Air Nav...
Tasks Delivery
The Delivery position is often massively underestimated and dismissed as a mere talking station without the need for critical thinking. If you’ve thought this way, we can tell you: Delivery is much more than that. In reality, Delivery controllers are also call...
Delivery Coordinator
With the increasing number of flights on the network, especially during events and online days, the role of Delivery is becoming increasingly important, and the workload is rising immensely. To handle departing traffic most efficiently, it is advisable to staf...
Tasks Apron / Ground
Difference Apron vs. Ground Apron and Ground, two terms that seem similar at first glance: Even upon closer inspection, the differences between the two remain subtle. Ground is responsible only for taxiing traffic in all areas outside the apron (the area wit...
Tasks Tower
The tower is generally responsible for all movements on the runways as well as within the control zone (CTR). Additionally, it determines the runway direction at the airport. Different or additional tasks are described in the respective airport SOP. Besides e...
Tasks Arrival
The Approach/Arrival position oversees the vicinity around larger airports. It is typically responsible for all arrivals and departures from the respective airports. The main task is to merge the different traffic flows coming from various directions and guide...
Tower - Phraseology
With friendly permission of the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. Do not use for navigational purposes! (G: Controller; A:Pilot) Phrases in *asterisks* may be used additionally Clearance Delivery A: München Delivery, DLH414, information A, ...
Approach / Center - Phraseology
With friendly permission of the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. Do not use for navigational purposes! G: Controller Level instructions Phraseology EN Phraseology DE / Comment G: CLIMB/DESCEND TO (level) G: CLIMB...
Efficiency on the Frequency
The controller is responsible for the frequency, as only they know who needs to receive which instruction next. For this reason, the controller must be calm, friendly, but also assertive / self-confident on the frequency. Use Standard Phraseology For a...
Traffic information
Traffic information is needed whenever air traffic control wants or needs to inform a pilot about other traffic. Traffic information should contain precise information to make it as easy as possible for the pilot to identify the mentioned traffic. Structure o...
With friendly permission from the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. Do not use for navigational purposes! Below are excerpts from AIP Germany GEN 3.4. Language Radio communication is to be conducted in English or the language normally used by the ground stat...
Radar basics If you've ever flown in real life or on VATSIM, then you've probably come across the transponder and entered 4 digits. But why is all this necessary? There are two types of radar for monitoring air traffic: Primary radar: These are the hu...
German aircraft registration
For reasons of traffic safety and for identification purposes, German aircraft are subject to compulsory registration: Compulsory admission (Zulassungszwang) Compulsory registration (Eintragungszwang) Compulsory marking (Kennzeichnungszwang) German air...
ICAO Type Description
In addition to the familiar ICAO Type Designator such as A320, B738, C172, ICAO Document 8643 - Aircraft Type Designators also contains the ICAO Type Description. This is a code that describes the characteristics of an aircraft, such as L2J, H1T, S1P. Euroscop...