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Charts and Scenery

IFR Charts for Munich Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required).

VFR Charts: We suggest to use The German VFR AIP has also recently been made available.

Airport Scenery

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

GAYA scenery is included

Taxi way bridges do not work correctly—you will crash into the streets below.

As much as it pains us, EDDM is currently not really usable in FS2024.

Aerosoft - SimWings

GAYA cannot be uninstalled as of launch day, so scenery is only partially usable

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
GAYA scenery as part of World Update 18 Aerosoft - SimWings
GSX Profile
X-Plane 11
X-Plane Default Scenery
X-Plane Store - SFD
Prepar3D V4/V5
Aerosoft - SimWings