Visiting Controller / Gastlotse
Welcome to the North of Germany
Thanks for your interest in controlling at the Bremen FIR. Please send your request in our Forum at:
[WAITING LIST] Rating Training + Visitor Endorsements after checking the requirements below.
Endorsements usually consist of a theoretical part and an online/sim training.
Guest Controller from vACC Germany
- S2+ Rating
- English language skills are mandatory
- Endorsements needed at all EDDB / EDDH stations (Tier 1) and Familiarization on Center positions
- non restricted stations are free to be staffed according to your rating (SOP Moodle Checks may apply)
- prepare relevant SOPs and LOAs
Visiting Controllers from other countries
- Your permanent controller rating is S3 or higher and are considered current in your home allocation
- You have completed at least 50 hours on positions that require your current permanent rating in your home allocation
- You have not been subject to disciplinary actions within the last year
- English language skills are mandatory
- Knowledge of German is helpful, but not mandatory
- VFR flights can be conducted in German language within our airspace
In case you are not on the Vatsim Germany Controller Roster yet (first request in Germany):
- Send a visiting request within the VatEUD Core System
- Your first training will be a "Vatsim Germany Orientation" to get onto the active roster with the ability to staff unrestricted positions in Germany. Please name your desired positions, you would like to control later on.
- Further Endorsements needed at all EDDB / EDDH stations (Tier 1) and Familiarization on Center positions
- prepare relevant SOPs and LOAs
It is possible to combine TWR and APP directly in a single sim training or online training for the general unrestricted VatGer Endorsement. This serves to ensure that you are familiar with the procedures within vACC Germany.
Maintaining your Endorsement
Minimum requirements to keep your endorsements:
- 3 hours within 180 days (rolling) on the highest endorsed position
- Restricted stations within your endorsement are retained via top-down service
Of course we are happy if you control more than these minimum hours with us. Feel free to participate in our events and help us out even on non restricted airports.