Visual Meteorological Conditions
Visual meteorological conditions (VMC) are required in order to be able to fly under visual fligh...
VFR Basics + Entry / Exit / Crossing
Visual flight rules (VFR) traffic navigates primarily by sight, using roads, rivers and landmarks...
Traffic circuit
The traffic circuit or traffic pattern (German: Platzrunde) ensures that approach and departure p...
Delaying techniques
VFR aircraft are usually significantly slower than larger commercial aircraft. For this reason, a...
Practice XXX Approach VFR
The Practice XXX Approach VFR, German: Übungsanflug VFR offers VFR pilots the opportunity to prac...
Night VFR (NVFR)
Night VFR (NVFR), German: Nacht-VFR refers to visual flights at night. The rules specified therei...
Special VFR (SVFR)
Special VFR (SVFR) (German: Sonder-VFR) refers to a visual flight in a control zone when meteorol...
VFR in Airspace C/D
General To cross airspace C or D under visual flight rules, pilots always require clearance fr...
Procedures with Helicopters and Helicopter Missions
General This article outlines recommendations for air traffic controllers when dealing with heli...