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Practice XXX Approach VFR

The Practice XXX Approach VFR, German: Übungsanflug VFR offers VFR pilots the opportunity to practice various approach procedures under visual flight conditions.

If the practice approach takes place within D (CTR), the tower handles the request. If the pilot wishes to begin the approach in airspace C or D, the approach or center station is responsible for this.

It is important to note that the approach always has to take place under VFR conditions. This generally means that the pilot must adhere to the VMC minima and all instructions from the controller are merely recommendations.

German: "Callsign, bleiben Sie VMC, alle Höhen- und Steuerkursanweisungen sind Empfehlungen."

English: "Callsign, maintain VMC, all altitude and heading instructions are recommendations."

It is generally advisable to vector the pilot closer to the final (5-7 NM) if there is a lot of traffic. If there is a lot of time, you can optionally ask the pilot how many miles of final approach they would like.

(G: Controller; A:Pilot)

Phraseology example

Phraseology German

Phraseology EN

A: Stuttgart Turm, DESAG

A: Stuttgart Tower, DESAG

G: DESAG, Stuttgart Turm

G: DESAG, Stuttgart Tower

A: DESAG, Cessna 172, 5 Minuten südlich Sierra, 3000 Fuss, erbitte ILS Übungsanflug VFR gefolgt von einer abschließender Landung.

A: DESAG, Cessna 172, 5 minutes south S, 3000 feet, request ILS practice approach VFR followed by a full stop landing.

G: D-AG, Squawk 7001, QNH 1022, Piste 25

G: D-AG, Squawk 7001, QNH 1022, Runway 25

A: D-AG, Squawk 7001, QNH 1022, Piste 25

A: D-AG. Squawk 7001, QNH 1022, Runway 25

G: D-AG, identifiziert, bleiben Sie VMC, alle Höhen- und Steuerkursanweisungen sind Empfehlungen, drehen Sie rechts Steuerkurs 040

G: D-AG, identified, maintain VMC, all altitude and heading instructions are recommendations, turn right heading 040

A: D-AG, bleibe VMC, drehe rechts Steuerkurs 040.

A: D-AG, maintaining VMC, turn right heading 040

G: D-AG, sinken Sie auf 1500 Fuss, drehen Sie links Steuerkurs 340

G: D-AG, descend 1500 feet, turn left heading 340

A: D-AG, sinke auf 1500ft, drehe links Steuerkurs 340

A: D-AG, descending 1500 feet, turning left heading 340

G: D-AG, drehen Sie links Steuerkurs 280, ILS Piste 25 Übungsanflug VFR genehmigt.

G: D-AG, turn left heading 280, ILS runway 25 practice approach VFR approved.

A: D-AG, drehe links Steuerkurs 280, ILS Piste 25 Übungsanflug VFR genehmigt.

A: D-AG, turning left heading 280, ILS runway 25 practice approach VFR approved.

Instead of heading recommendations, traffic circuit sections can be used to guide the pilot to the final as well.