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Night VFR (NVFR)

Night VFR (NVFR), German: Nacht-VFR refers to visual flights at night. The rules specified therein apply from the beginning of civil twilight to the end of civil dawn. The corresponding times can be found in tables.

For you as a controller in S2 training, there are two main aspects to consider for night VFR:

  • For safety reasons, a permanent radio communication is necessary. The pilot is passed on from the tower to the radar controller and vice versa. If the pilot takes off from an info station, he is responsible for independently switching to the corresponding radar controller. Accordingly, you do not allow the pilot at the outer reporting point to leave the frequency, but send him to the responsible radar controller with a handoff.

  • In addition, a flight plan obligation applies for NVFR when leaving the vicinity of the airfield.

A "Night VFR" clearance analogous to an SVFR clearance is a widespread myth and does not exist