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782 total results found

Approach / Center - Phraseologie


Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. Nicht für navigatorische Zwecke geeignet! G: Lotse Höhenanweisungen Phraseologie EN Phraseologie DE / Erklärung G: CLIMB/DESCEND TO (level) G: CLI...


Contact / Ansprechpartner

Langen FIR (EDGG)

Position Name E-Mail VID FIR Langen Chief Tim Gerstenberg tim.gerstenberg[at] 1477025 FIR Langen Chief Lukacs Schmeing lukacs.schmeing[at] 1336219 FIR Langen Deputy Chief Christian Frings christian.frin...

S3 Training (APP)

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

General The S3 training in the FIR Langen takes place at the following airports. We hereby differentiate between Tier 1 and unrestricted airports: Tier 1 Unrestricted EDDF_APP, EDDL_APP, EDDK_APP EDDS_STG_APP, EDFH_APP, EDLP_PAL_APP T...

Real Life ATCO/Pilot Fast Track


Mit einer Lotsen- oder Pilotenlizenz (Frozen ATPL, ATPL, MPL) ist ein Rating Fast Track möglich. Für Piloten ist ein Fast Track auf das S2-Rating möglich, für Lotsen ein Fast Track auf das S3-Rating. Schicke dafür eine Mail an atd[at] Um den Fast-Tr...

Visiting Controller / Gastlotse

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Welcome to the North of Germany Thanks for your interest in controlling at the Bremen FIR. Please send your request in our Forum at:[WAITING LIST] Rating Training + Visitor Endorsements after checking the requirements below. Endorsements usually consist of a...


München FIR (EDMM) Curriculum FIR München

The Mentors of FIR München are available for answering your questions and will be conducting your training. The Mentoring team is lead by the Lead Mentor (LM), the several training steps are organized and overseen by the Chiefs of Training (CoT)s. The CoTs ar...

S1 Training

München FIR (EDMM) Curriculum FIR München

Requirements VATSIM Account is assigned to vACC Germany, according to "first steps ATC". Join the waiting list for one of the vACC-wide Basic Lessons in this thread. Installed Euroscope and set it up according to the manual. Installed Audio for Vatsim St...

C1 Training (Center)

Bremen FIR (EDWW) Curriculum Bremen FIR

General In the Bremen FIR we offer three sector groups for the center controller Training. These are based on the real model of EBGs (Einsatzberechtigungsgruppe) which cover roughly EBG Ost, covering Berlin area EBG Nord (Nord A+ Nord B combined), coverin...

Klassifizierung von Instrumentenanflügen


Segmente eines Instrumentenanfluges Arrival Segment: Dieses Segment stellt einen Übergang von der Enroutephase zur Anflugphase des Fluges dar. Initial Approach Segment: Dieses Segment beginnt mit dem Initial Approach Fix (IAF) und endet am Intermediate F...


München ACC - Langen ACC

München FIR (EDMM)

REV 28NOV24 (AIRAC2412)

Karlsruhe UAC - München ACC

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

REV 28NOV024 (AIRAC2412)

Langen ACC - München ACC

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE: 28th November 2024 AIRAC 2412

Karlsruhe UAC - München ACC

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE: 28th November 2024 AIRAC 2412

Weihnachtsmarkttour 2023

VatGer Touren

Nachdem wir die letzten Jahre immer mal wieder versucht haben den Weihnachtsmann zu finden, suchen wir nun den schönsten Weihnachtsmarkt und haben dafür in ganz Europa Weihnachtsmärkte konkurrieren lassen. Jetzt liegt es an euch, den schönsten zu finden. To...

S2 Training (TWR)

München FIR (EDMM) Curriculum FIR München

This page is still work in progress. If you find any erroneous information, please contact LM of FIR München! Information on this site may have changed since your last visit without prior notice/announcement. General The S2 training in FIR München takes plac...


Military Procedures

This guide is meant for ATC and tries to give an overview over the most common topics in regard to military operations on Vatsim. Be advised that some of these topics may only be performed by pilots who are part of a Vatsim Special Operations (VSO) Organisatio...


Military Procedures

In general, Military Airfields work a little different to the airports that you might be familiar with. They have a control tower and a radar station that you might call approach. However, the radar airspace is not nearly as high as the approach airspace you a...

Military Radar

Military Procedures

Airspace Currently, our SOPs contain little knowledge to military sectors. Therefore, this guide will describe the general concept of military Radar airspaces. Rostrock/Lage Airport - © We will start with Rostock Laage. As you can see, th...

Formation Flights

Military Procedures

It is very common for military jets (e.g. F-16, F-18) to engage in formation flying. In these formations the responsibility for separation lies with the pilots. Some notable examples of formations are the Four Finger Formation, the Echelon Formation and the Vi...

Air to Air Refuelling (AAR)

Military Procedures

What is Air to Air Refueling (AAR)? AAR is a procedure established to refuel aircraft midflight and thus enable longer flight time. AAR can be either done on a specified air refuelling anchor or en-route on previously coordinated routes or standard AAR routin...