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Departing Traffic

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots.


A thorough preparation is important for any flight. We ask you to conduct a thorough briefing to avoid delays and keep it fun for everyone.

Route planning

When planning a route via SimBrief, please use routes with the Eurocontrol icon when available, as those will generally be valid.

Eurocontrol SimBrief.jpg

When filing an invalid flight plan, you will usually have to file a completely new flight plan before ATC can issue your enroute clearance.

SID assignment

If there is no SID leading to the first waypoint of your flight plan, please check which AIRAC you are using - if your AIRAC cycle is too outdated, it might take some time until the controllers can coordinate a solution for you. Please also make sure you are complying with the following restrictions that exist for some of these waypoints.

only for flights with requested min. FL140

Enroute Clearance

Clearance requests in Germany are very short. Please avoid unnecessarily long clearance requests to reduce frequency congestion.

Pilot: Niederrhein Tower, Ryanair 7XQ, stand 4, request enroute clearance, information N.

Datalink Clearance (DCL)

In contrast to the real world, on Vatsim we offer datalink clearance (DCL/PDC) at Niederrhein using the Hoppie ACARS system. The station code is EDLV. If your aircraft does not have a direct integration of the Hoppie system, you can also use easyCPDLC.


Startup approval is the "go" from the controller's side to start your engines. It is also an assurance that you will be cleared to start moving within the next 20 minutes. It can be requested and approved together with pushback.


Only request pushback if you are actually ready to start pushing back. If you take longer than 1 - 2 minutes to start moving, ATC might have to cancel your pushback clearance to avoid delays for other pilots.

Keep in mind that some all positions on Niederrhein's apron except for stands 1 thru 9 are taxi-out stands. If you are parked on one of these taxi-out stands, you won't need a pushback.

If you are unsure about your pushback instruction or unable to comply for any reason, hold position and inform ATC immediately.


While Niederrhein's layout is relatively simple, it is still important to conduct a thorough briefing of expected taxi routes as well as correct taxiing. To avoid delays for yourself and other users, start taxiing as soon as possible after receiving your taxi clearance and request taxi in a timely manner after your pushback.

If you are unsure about your taxi instructions, hold position and inform ATC immediately.


Niederrhein has only one runway which needs to be used for both departures and arrivals. While there is usually not too much other traffic, it is still important to begin your takeoff roll as soon as you receive your clearance and be prepared for immediate takeoff clearances. If you take too long, ATC might have to cancel your takeoff clearance and issue a go around for an arriving aircraft.

Intersection departures are not possible at Niederrhein. All aircraft have to depart from full length.


Niederrhein utilizes an auto-handoff procedure for IFR departures where Tower will not hand off outbounds to the approach controller. The current airborne frequency will always be noted in the ATIS.

Contact the airborne frequency immediately when airborne unless explicitly told to remain on Tower frequency.