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783 total results found


SOPs FIR Langen EDDR - Saarbrücken Airport

Saarbrücken is an unrestricted airport and part of the S1 minor program. GND and TWR can be staffed by all controllers with an S1 rating or higher who have passed the required moodle courses. The Pfalz sector (APP) can be staffed by all controllers with an S3 ...

Arrival - Sector Pfalz

SOPs FIR Langen EDDR - Saarbrücken Airport

The Langen Radar Sector Pfalz (PFA) is responsible for the arrival duties. He is responsible for traffic with origin or destination Saarbrücken (EDDR), the military airport Ramstein (ETAR) and the airfield Zweibrücken (EDRZ). For runway 09 only RNP and VOR ap...


SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Hahn Ground  is responsible for startup and enroute clearance and all aircraft movements at the airport. SID Assignment For RWY 03 SIDs with designator E/K should be used primarily (highest climbrate required). For RWY 21 SIDs with designator S should be use...


SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Approaches: For both runways ILS (RWY 21 CAT III, RWY 03 CAT I), RNP and NDB approaches are available. IFR Departures Departing IFR traffic switches to Radar (APP) frequency without separate instruction, immediately when airborne. Make sure the correct frequ...


SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Frankfurt-Hahn is located around 100 km West of the city of Frankfurt/Main and known for its low-cost and cargo traffic. Frankfurt-Hahn is an unrestricted airport and part of the S1 minor program. GND and TWR can be staffed by all controllers with an S1 ratin...

Arrival - Sector Eifel

SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Responsible for all arrivals and departures into Frankfurt/Hahn is Langen Sector Eifel (EIF). In the absense of EDDR_PFA_APP, this station also covers the Pfalz (PFA) sector, which is responsible for Saarbrücken (EDDR) and Ramstein (ETAR) top-down. This secto...

EDDK - Delivery

SOPs FIR Langen EDDK - Köln/Bonn Airport

VFR traffic, in contrast to real procedures, does not have to request startup at Delivery, but can report ready for taxi directly to the ground control. Startup: When startup clearance cannot be given immediately or the pilot is not ready for startup within t...

EDDK - Overview

SOPs FIR Langen EDDK - Köln/Bonn Airport

Köln/Bonn is a complex airport with crossing runways and very little space on the ground and in the TMA. On VATSIM, it usually has a medium amount of traffic but will regularly operate at or even above capacity during events. Köln/Bonn is an unrestricted airp...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDR - Saarbrücken

IFR Charts for Saarbrücken are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts are available for every airfield in Germany via (official DFS VFR AIP) or with less information at

Charts and Scenery

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDFM - Mannheim City

IFR Charts for Mannheim City Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts are available for every airfield in Germany via (official DFS VFR AIP) or with less information at https://www.openfligh...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDSB - Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden

IFR Charts for Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts are available for every airfield in Germany via (official DFS VFR AIP) or with less information at https://www.o...


SOPs FIR München EDDP - Leipzig Airport

Responsibilities Leipzig Delivery is responsible for issuing IFR enroute clearances and startup approval.  SID Assignment Aircraft on Aprons 2 and 4 usually get the southern runway Aircraft on Aprons 1 and 3 usually get the northern runway The aircraf...


SOPs FIR München EDDP - Leipzig Airport

Leipzig Ground is responsible for all taxiing traffic on the aprons and taxiways, as well as pushbacks. Taxiways Apron 4 The taxiways at Apron 4 (DHL Apron) are called "Blue" or "Orange" Line despite their designation. The respective bays are internally re...


SOPs FIR München EDDP - Leipzig Airport

Tower positions In Leipzig there are the following two tower positions: Station Station ID Login Frequency Tower North PTN EDDP_N_TWR 125.955 Tower South PTS EDDP_S_TWR 121.105 If both tower positions are staffed, the CTR is s...

Arrival - Thüringen Low

SOPs FIR München EDDP - Leipzig Airport

This article is currently being revised and translated. Please report any disagreements and errors within the article to LM FIR München. Sectorization München Radar sectors Thüringen Low Nord and Thüringen Low Süd (EDDP_TRN/TRS_APP) are responsible for all a...


SOPs FIR München EDDP - Leipzig Airport

Leipzig ATC Stations Station Station ID Login Frequency Remark ATIS PX EDDP_ATIS 123.955   Delivery PL EDDP_DEL 121.680 Ground PG EDDP_GND 121.805 Tower North PTN EDDP_N_TWR 125.955 Tower South PTS EDDP_...

Arrival - Sachsen Low

SOPs FIR München EDDC - Dresden Airport

München Radar Sektor Sachsen Low (EDDC_APP) ist für alle An- und Abflüge von/nach Dresden (EDDC) zuständig. Des Weiteren befindet sich der Flugplatz Bautzen (EDAB) im Sektor, welcher über IFR-Prozeduren verfügt und somit auch eine RMZ besitzt. Es ist Vorausset...


SOPs FIR München EDDC - Dresden Airport

Responsibilities Also check the information for Dresden Apron, as Ground will cover the position unless it is separately rostered. Dresden Ground is responsible for issuing enroute and startup clearance for departing traffic. Additionally, Dresden Ground is ...


SOPs FIR München EDDC - Dresden Airport

Dresden Apron ist nur bei Events mit Besetzungsplan zu öffnen, sonst werden die Aufgaben von Dresden Ground übernommen. Dresden Apron ist eine Bodenposition, die für den gesamten rollenden Verkehr auf dem Apron zuständig ist. Nach Absprache mit dem Ground kön...


SOPs FIR München EDDC - Dresden Airport

Dresden Tower ist eine Bodenposition, die für Start und Landefreigaben sowie Verkehrskontrolle und -informationen in der Kontrollzone zuständig ist. Zudem übernimmt Dresden Tower die Aufgaben von Dresden Apron und Dresden Ground, wenn diese nicht besetzt sind....