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S1 Training

Welcome to the S1 training!

Since May 2024, the S1 training is no longer held by the FIRs but instead, there is one vACC-wide training. This ensures more capacity, more efficiency and a standardized training and knowledge all over Germany.



For the actual procedure, please read the threads in the S1 forum.

Further steps

If you would like to continue your training and obtain a S2 Tower Rating, you can apply for further training after 10 hours on our FIR Langen minor airports. You will be put on the waiting list for our training airports (EDDF, EDDL, EDDK, EDDS). For more information please read "Training requests for all training phases" and follow the formalities listed in the thread.

Once you are on the waiting list for the S2 rating, we still expect you to continue controlling. When it is your turn to start further training, you must have controlled at least 10 hours in the last two months, otherwise, you will be skipped until you have completed your hours. After 1 year of inactivity, you will be removed from the waiting list.