8-QRA Mission
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Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) is a state of readiness and responsiveness maintained by air forces and other military bodies worldwide. Its purpose is to deter, detect, and counter threats promptly. When the order to take-off (scramble) is triggered, the alert aircraft (single or in pair) have a minimum delay to take-off. Therefore, they have to be prioritized over all other traffic.
Alert Status
Alert Status is preset and must be published 2mn, 5min, 15min, 30min or 1 HR). It is the delay between the scramble order and the effective take off of the QRA asset.
The scramble is the code word for the order to take-off. It is received by the pilot directly from the Scramble authority.
Scramble Authority
In Real World, the scramble Authority for QRA is the AOC (Air Operation Center).
In Simulation:
- During an exercise the authority is designated in the exercise documentation ( SPINS, COMPLAN)
- Outside an exercise, the scramble Authority can be the ATC online controller i.a.w. VSOA PPM v4.0
Target designation
QRA is not a war or combat action, therefore all communication are not subjected to the usage of Brevity words and codewords, except those commonly used during training sorties.
After the pilot has checked in, the controller must provide the following target information
- Target Classification (BOGEY or AIR ASSISTANCE)
- Target position (BRA)
- What is the first measure ( EID, ESCORT or else)
- Any additional info in clear
Method of Control
Depending on the controller’s qualification or the mission requirement, different methods of control can be provided. The following is applicable in all cases, whether you fly in OAT IFR, VFR or TACTICAL and not only for QRA sortie.
Method | Responsibility | Description |
In a Close Positive control sortie, controllers are responsible for mission completion and for keeping the safety separation :
In a Loose Positive control sortie, the controller transmits only information to the pilot, with no commands. Pilot is responsible for the mission completion but controller remains responsible for keeping the safety separation :
In a Close Advisory control sortie, controllers are responsible for mission completion while pilot is responsible for his own flight safety. |
In a Loose Advisory control sortie, the controller transmits only information to the pilot, with no commands. Pilot is responsible for the mission completion and for his own flight safety. |
The controller will transmit general information and activity within the designated area in the form of Broadcast. The format of the broadcast will depend on the tactical situation. Pilot is responsible for the mission completion and flight safety. |
So this means that:
- if the controller is GCI qualified, you should expect CLOSE POSITIVE control with guidance to the target until you declare the JUDY (Radar contact and locked).
- If the controller is not GCI qualified, he will provide only LOOSE POSITIVE control, entailing that you as pilot are responsible for completing the interception based on his information, with no guidance.
Finale Approach
Always from rear sector and never interfering with target route.
Active Measures
Active measures apply to all aircraft using national airspace, including light aircraft.
They are intended to prevent situations such as a deviation from course, entry into a prohibited zone, lack of communication with air traffic control or technical issue encountered by crews in controlled spaces.
The aim is to strengthen the protection of airspace against aerial threats, whether they are protesting or simply unintentional.
Electronic Identification to describe number of contacts, radiations if able
NATO X-Ray, Sunrise, execute EID and report Sunrise, NATO X-RAY, radar contact 1 spot |
Visual Identification to describe number and type of a/c, configuration, flight parameters. Pilot must be reminded that the minimum separation is 1000 feet and 1000 meters. NATO X-Ray Sunrise, execute VID and report |
Conservative measure. This is an escort with the minimum separation of 1000 feet and 1000 meters. NATO X-Ray Sunrise, maintain air surveillance |
Visual interrogation to gain more accurate details (Registration, company, persons onBoard, national markings ...). Cleared to close 300 meters. NATO X-Ray Sunrise, execute Visual Interrogation and report |
If the bogey is member of a VSO, this measure consists in getting information through radio call. NATO X-Ray Sunrise, execute radio interrogation on frequency 121.500 |
Escort is necessary to accompany a plane along its route. NATO X-Ray Sunrise, execute ESCORT |
A diversion may be required to force an aircraft to change its course or to land on a designated airfield.
NATO X-Ray, Sunrise, execute DIVERSION to exit National airspace on heading XXX Or... NATO X-Ray, Sunrise, execute DIVERSION to EDDH, pigeon 185/75 |
The warning shot can be executed only on the formal order of a high government authority and must be authenticated. This measure must be followed by a resumption of the previous measure. If no positive attitude after the Diversion order, the bogey may be classified Hostile by high authority.
NATO X-Ray, Sunrise, execute WARNING SHOT, picture is clear, authenticate XBCF |
The destruction measure is the ultimate measure It can only be carried out on formal order and after an unsuccessful Warning Shot.
NATO X-Ray, Sunrise, Bogey now HOSITLE, clear to ENGAGE and KILL, picture is clear, authenticate ABCD Sunrise, NATO X-RAY, Hostile splashed |
Chain of Command
Pilot may expect some delay between their last transmission and the measure that will be decided then. This is due to the reports and discussions between AOC and High authorities. Pilot must be accurate in the information transmitted and patient.