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15 total results found

End of training

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

Congratulations! You have completed the entire controller training as a vATCO in the FIR Langen and you are allowed to control Langen Radar and all other stations for which you have endorsements, as long as you don't become inactive in between (then you canno...

Training restart

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

Since controllers often drop out of training and come back a short time later to rejoin, we see ourselves forced, also under the aspect of fairness to all those who are on the waiting list, to make the restart via a new training request. If you have discontin...

EDDF - Arrival/Departure

SOPs FIR Langen EDDF - Frankfurt/Main Airport

Arrival can be split in 6 stations as shown in the table below.  Sector Station ID Login Frequency Remark Pickup Arrival North DFAN EDDF_N_APP 120.805 primary Arrival South DFAS EDDF_S_APP 125.355 -- Feeder Direc...

Euroscope Usage - Tower

ATC Software Euroscope Setup - Langen FIR EDGG

This guide is aimed at S1 controllers looking to control the minor airports in the FIR Langen. Below you will find a very basic introduction to the actions required to handle departures and arrivals.  Opening Euroscope and switching airports When you open Eu...

Flugzeugkennzeichen Deutschland


Aus Gründen der Verkehrssicherheit und zu Identifizierungszwecken unterliegen deutsche Luftfahrzeuge dem: Zulassungszwang Eintragungszwang Kennzeichnungszwang Deutsche Luftfahrzeuge müssen gekennzeichnet sein mit: der Bundesflagge dem Buchstaben D ...

Reduced Runway Separation (RRS)

Staffelung Pistenstaffelung

Reduced Runway Separation ist kein verpflichtender Bestandteil der S1-Ausbildung. Voraussetzungen Um Reduced Runway Separation überhaupt anwenden zu dürfen, müssen folgende Aspekte erfüllt sein: Die Rückenwindkomponente am Boden darf nicht mehr als 5 Kno...

ICAO Type Description


Neben dem bekannten ICAO Type Designator wie zum Beispiel A320, B738, C172 findet sich im ICAO Dokument 8643 - Aircraft Type Designators zusätzlich die ICAO Type Description. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Code, welcher die Eigenschaften eines Luftfahrzeuges...

Contact Person

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

The mentor team of the FIR Langen is always available for all questions concerning your training. The team is led by the Lead Mentor and the Chiefs of Training (CoTs), who also organise the training. If you have any questions regarding your training, you can c...

S1 Training

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

Welcome to the S1 training! Since May 2024, the S1 training is no longer held by the FIRs but instead, there is one vACC-wide training. This ensures more capacity, more efficiency and a standardized training and knowledge all over Germany. Requirements Yo...

S2 Training (TWR)

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

General The S2 training in the FIR Langen takes place at the following airports. We hereby differentiate between Tier 1 and unrestricted airports: Tier 1 Unrestricted EDDF, EDDL, EDDK EDDS, EDSB, EDLW To start your training at a Tier ...

C1 Training (CTR)

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

General The Center Controller training takes place at either the Gießen (GIN), Paderborn High (PADH) or Dinkelsbühl (DKB) sector. Compared to tower and approach training, there is relatively little theory involved. For online trainings, you must find a...


ATC Software

VCCS ist ein Tool zur Koordination zwischen den Stationen, das von Euroscope zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Der große Vorteil gegenüber der normalen TeamSpeak-Koordination ist, dass beide Lotsen nicht auf demselben TeamSpeak-Server sein müssen. So kann z.B. der ...

Approach / Center - Phraseologie


Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. Nicht für navigatorische Zwecke geeignet! G: Lotse Höhenanweisungen Phraseologie EN Phraseologie DE / Erklärung G: CLIMB/DESCEND TO (level) G: CLI...


S3 Training (APP)

Langen FIR (EDGG) Curriculum FIR Langen

General The S3 training in the FIR Langen takes place at the following airports. We hereby differentiate between Tier 1 and unrestricted airports: Tier 1 Unrestricted EDDF_APP, EDDL_APP, EDDK_APP EDDS_STG_APP, EDFH_APP, EDLP_PAL_APP T...

Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ)

Luftrecht Lufträume

Eine TMZ ist ein definierter Bereich, in welchem das Mitführen sowie die Verwendung eines Transponders, der die barometrische Höhe vom Höhenmesser übermittelt, verpflichtend ist. Der Pilot muss vor dem Einfliegen in eine TMZ den veröffentlichten TMZ Code im T...
