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72 total results found
Start der vATC Ausbildung
Die Ausbildung zum virtuellen Lotsen wird direkt von den verschiedenen FIRs gestaltet, koordiniert und durchgeführt. Die Ausbildung startet mit der S1-Lesson. Danach kannst du auf kleinen Flughäfen lotsen, diese sind: FIR Bremen: Heringsdorf, Lübeck, Braun...
Registrierung bei Vatsim
Zunächst brauchst du einen Account bei Vatsim. Falls du schon einen Account hast, kannst du diesen Schritt natürlich überspringen. Deinen Account legst du dir unter an. Gib wie beschrieben deine Daten ein (verwende bitte deinen ...
IVAO Rating Transfer
Wir freuen uns dich im virtuellen Netwerk von VATSIM und somit bei VATSIM Germany begrüßen zu können. Um dir deinen Einstieg als neuer ATCO bei uns so einfach und schnell wie möglich machen zu können, findest du hier ein paar Informationen, die du als "Netzwe...
Visiting Controllers Vatsim Germany
Thank you for your interest in controlling the German airspace on VATSIM! Before you start, please check that you are eligible to visit by fulfilling all of the following requirements: your permanent controller rating is S3 or higher and are considered cur...
Fliegen auf Vatsim
Fliegen auf Vatsim bedeutet Fliegen nach den Regeln des Luftverkehrs aus der realen Welt, „as real as it gets“. Wie auch im echten Leben, kann die Online-Fliegerei sehr unterschiedliche Ansprüche haben. Zum Teil wirst du dich ganz ohne Lotsen bewegen. Anderers...
Ansprechpartner / Contact
Function Name E-Mail VID FIR Leadership Alex Legler [email protected] 1586741 Mark Müncheberg [email protected] 1441619 Mentoring Team Mentoring Chief Jannik Vogel [email protected] 1432304 Mentor ...
Hamburg East HAME EDDH_E_APP 119.510 Primary Station Hamburg West HAMW EDDH_W_APP 134.255 -- Arrival DHAT EDDH_F_APP 118.205 -- If only Hamburg East is online, it will cross-couple both frequencies of HAME + HAMW. Area of...
Holdings Hamburg Inbounds
Holdings offer the most efficient opportunity to deal with high traffic situations and relieve overloaded sectors especially approach sectors. A typical thursday evening The following procedures are the standard when building up holdings. Other methods have ...
Sektor Allersberg - ALB Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign Remark EDMM_ALB_CTR ALB 129.100 München Radar Sekundärstation Haupt-Verkehrsströme: EDDM-Outbounds über GIVMI, INPUD, EVIVA. EDDF-Inbounds über PETIX, ASPAT / EDDN...
Sektor Bamberg - BBG Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign Remark EDMM_BBG_CTR BBG 133.605 München Radar Entlastungssektor Haupt-Verkehrsströme EDDF-Departures über SULUS, weiter über Z12, L984, Z650 EDDF-Inbounds über T170 -...
Sektor Iller - ILR Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign Remark EDJA_ILR_APP ILR 129.450 München Radar -- Sektorkarte: Sektor Schwaben - SWA Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign Remark EDMM_SWA_APP SWA 1...
Authorized Aircraft The airport is not able to serve aircraft with an MTOW greater than 10.000 kg. The only exceptions to this rule are the following aircraft: Dornier 328-100 (D328) Dash 8-100 and -300 (DH8A, DH8C) ATR 42-500 (AT45) Falcon 50, 2000, an...
VFR Traffic
General The Mannheim CTR extends from ground level to 2000 ft MSL. VFR traffic with an MTOW up to 5,700 kg may also use the grass runway north of the hard surface runway, as well as the grass taxiway G parallel to and west of taxiway A. VFR traffic can be c...
Arriving Traffic
Approach The airport only has instrument approaches for runway 27. You can expect the RNAV approach. If runway 09 is in use, IFR arrivals can expect a visual circling approach to the south of the field. A straight in visual approach should not be attempted w...
Departing Traffic
IFR Clearance and Startup Before requesting enroute clearance, make sure you have listened to the latest ATIS information. You can expect to receive your startup clearance together with your enroute clearance. Datalink: Pilots able to use PDC/DCL may also re...
Departing Traffic
Parking Position Airliners use Apron 2. Parking positions 18 to 27 are available for aircraft up to 36 m wingspan. Aircraft with a wingspan between 36 and 52 m need to use parking positions 18A or 19A. Aircraft with a wingspan greater than 52 m park parallel ...
Arriving Traffic
Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden is not equipped to handle A380 aircraft. To maintain realism and prevent inconveniences for controllers and other pilots, we ask pilots to choose a different airport when flying the A380. Approach Primary ILS approaches are used. Only r...
VFR Traffic
General The Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden CTR extends from ground level to 2500 ft MSL. VFR traffic can be conducted in English or in German. Aircraft with an MTOW greater than 5,700 kg in the east traffic pattern need to fly at a minimum pattern altitude of 2000 f...
Sector Splits - EDUU above EDGG
Complete EDUU (1 controller) EDUU_WUR_CTR is the only station that will cover the whole EDUU sector. No other station will cover the whole EDUU airspace. This also means, if there is an ongoing split between two or more controllers and the EDUU_WUR_CTR di...