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[English] First steps


How to become a virtual air traffic controller

Even for a virtual air traffic controller, a lot of knowledge and skills are required. The following lines should give you an overview of what you are getting into and at the same time show you what the first steps are to start your training.

To be clear, this is not something you can do on the side. You have to invest a lot of time and will to learn in order to offer fun and professionalism for yourself and others.

Is previous knowledge necessary?

Apart from a reasonable command of the English language: no.

However, good spatial awareness, ability to concentrate and patience are an advantage.

Registration VATSIM

To use the VATSIM network, you must have a VATSIM account. If you already have a VATSIM account, you can skip this step.

Otherwise, create a new account at Enter your data as described and select

  1. Region: Europe, Middle East and Africa
  2. Division: Europe (except UK).

Please do not use fictitious names or similar.

After successful registration you should receive a so-called Vatsim-Id and a password by e-mail. You can use this to connect to the network with the pilot client or to log in to services that use Vatsim Connect.

  • If you forget your password you can reset it here.
  • If you have forgotten your Vatsim ID or email or would like to change your details, contact Membership Support of VATSIM.
  • If you have not used your account for a long time, it may be blocked, you have to reactivate it here.

Do not create a second Vatsim account!

If you want to change your region or division you can do so here'.

VATSIM New Member Orientation Test

All members who have registered after 18.08.2020 must pass the New Member Orientation Test before they can fly on VATSIM. The required content can be found at

After the time in the upper right corner of the Pilot Learning Center has expired, the test here can be started.

  • The test is a multiple choice test with 15 questions.
  • To pass, you must answer at least 80% of the questions (i.e. 12) correctly.
  • The test is limited to 15 minutes.
  • If you do not pass, see what you did wrong. You can start the test again in one hour.
  • Tip: You can look back at the material during the test and refer to it.

Upon successful completion, you will receive your P0 pilot rating and can connect to the network as a pilot!

Assignment EMEA/EUD/GER

To get assigned to the vACC (virtual Airtraffic Control Center) Germany, go to (this is the parent instance of Vatsim Germany).

  1. Log in with your Vatsim-Id and the password of VATSIM.
  2. Select the vACC Germany under Current vACC.

(This step is not mandatory for pilots, but does not hurt either. However, if you want to join a regional group as a full member and start your ATC training, this is necessary).

Registration VATSIM Germany

With your VATSIM-Id and password you can register on the VATSIM Germany Homepage.

Link :

Registration procedure

This paragraph may be outdated in some points.

You should be redirected directly to the well-known VATSIM Connect.

Enter the Vatsim-Id you received at VATSIM and your password.

Allow access to all data.

To complete your registration you have to configure the following:

Accept our privacy policy.


Create a backup password. You only need this if VATSIM Connect does not work. Choose a language.



When you have filled in all the information, you can complete the registration on the last page.

- Welcome you are now a guest of VATSIM Germany and you can use and visit the VATSIM Germany pages. Be sure to check if everything is to your satisfaction by logging in again. For a full membership at VATSIM Germany you have to apply for full membership in an RG.

  • If something does not work out, you can open a new ticket here.

Forum access

The forum opens you a wide variety of contributions from our members, information about simulators, pilot client and much more.

Visit your dashboard on the VATSIM Germany website:


Here you can set up your forum access. Here you will also be asked for a password. Choose one and REMEMBER it. Then log in to the forum with the username displayed on the website or your email and your password set for the forum.


Teamspeak is used as a communication system at VATSIM Germany, so you should definitely get the tool.

Download Teamspeak 3 here and then install it.

Under Teamspeak favourites you should enter our server: "".

Connect to the server and enter your TS-ID in the desktop of the website.

Please make sure that you were/are connected to the server at least once otherwise the process will not be successful.


You can find your TS-ID here:


After installation and registration you can use Teamspeak to talk to our members who are logged into any voice channels.


VATSIM Germany uses a Knowledgebase maintained by the members (where you are right now).

Start of training

The training starts with the S1 rating. You can find further information in the forums.