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WZZ Airline Tour
Helló és üdvözlet zur Vatsim W!ZZ-Air Tour 2023! Was die meisten (virtuellen) Piloten als nur einen weiteren überflüssigen Low-Cost Carrier abstempeln bietet, vor allem uns Piloten, eine Vielzahl an beeindruckenden Destinationen, von welchen wir uns die Best...
Escape to Nauru
Lass dein Leben in Nord-West-Europa hinter dir und begib dich auf die lange Reise ins Abenteuer! Die Route beinhaltet kürzere bis mittlere Legs. Du kannst dein Flugzeug frei wählen, musst aber IFR fliegen. Legs From To DCT Leg Length ...
A Major Endorsement is required in order to control Berlin-Brandenburg Airport. Berlin-Brandenburg ATC Stations Station Prio Frequency Login SI Remark ATIS -- 123.780 EDDB_ATIS ADB -- Delivery 3 121.605 EDDB_DEL DBC -- De-...
All aprons in Berlin are controlled by two Apron stations. The Main Apron (EDDB_A_GND) shall connect first. Apron North (E_GND) may be staffed as soon as Berlin Delivery is connected. AoR Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Procedures Virtual Court Road crossin...
The primary station of Berlin Ground is Ground South (EDDB_S_GND). Ground North can be staffed as soon as Berlin Delivery is connected. AoR Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Procedures Directions of Taxi Directions of Taxi on taxiways A-D are recommendations ...
Stations and AoRs Station Station ID Frequency Login Berlin Tower Nord DBTN 120.030 EDDB_N_TWR Berlin Tower Süd DBTS 118.805 EDDB_S_TWR If both Tower are online, the CTR is divided into two AoRs with a border between the runw...
ATIS Codes
Default ATISmaker URL$metar($atisairport)&arr=$arrrwy($atisairport)&dep=$deprwy($atisairport)&apptype=ILS&info=$atiscode In Berlin, the departure frequency shall not be displayed in the ATIS! Optional ATIS Codes Not...
Sectorization and Airspace Sector Berlin Arrival Station Station ID Frequency Login Pickup Bremen Radar (Pickup Nord) DBAN 119.630 EDDB_N_APP Bremen Radar (Pickup Süd) DBAS 126.425 EDDB_S_APP Feeder Berlin Arrival ...
Sectorization and Airspace Sector Berlin Departure Station Station ID Frequency Login Berlin Departure Nord DBDN 120.340 EDDB_N_DEP Berlin Departure Süd DBDS 120.630 EDDB_S_DEP Both frequencies shall be cross-coupled by the ...
Before staffing this airport for the first time:Obtain a successful grade at the self enrollment Moodle course: EDAH - Heringsdorf Tower. Heringsdorf ATC Stations Station Station ID Login Frequency Remark ATIS - - - not available Tow...
General Heringsdorf Tower is responsible for all IFR clearances, ground/runway movements and traffic within the Heringsdorf CTR. Areas of Responsibility Heringsdorf Tower (D-CTR) is defined as in the AIP Germany and AIP Poland. The CTR above Polish terri...
General Laage Tower is responsible for all movements on the taxiways (both military and civil) as well as for all movements on the runway and inside the control zone. Control Zone There are two mandatory reporting points for VFR traffic entering and exit...
General Laage Apron is responsible for ground movements south of the runway, on the civil apron. Also, Apron will issue IFR and start-up clearances for civil IFR traffic. SID-Assignments SIDs are named after the last two letters of the ICAO code of ...
General Laage Radar is responsible for departing and arriving traffic from/to ETNL. When online, Laage Radar activates its delegated AoR within Bremen ACC sector Müritz (MRZ). Full responsibility is delegated to Laage Radar for this airspace. AoR Holzdor...
On Moodle, a non-mandatory SOP Test can be found under ETNL - Rostock-Laage Tower/Ground Rostock-Laage Overview Laage is a military airfield with Civil Joint User south of Rostock which is home of the Taktische Luftwaffengeschwader 73 by the German Air Force...
Control Zone D(HX) from GND to 2800 ft ED-R 70 south of the airfield VRPs: November, Oskar, Echo und Whiskey (departures and arrivals max. 1300 ft) Jet Entry: North 1/2, South 1/2 (departures and arrivals max. 1800 ft) There are also VFR Jet arrivals ...
Area of Responsibility Holzdorf Radar is responsible for departing and arriving traffic from/to ETSH. When online, Holzdorf Radar activates its delegated AoR within Bremen ACC sector Berlin Arrival Süd (DBAS). Full responsibility is delegated to Holzdorf Ra...
On Moodle, a non-mandatory SOP Test can be found under ETSH - Holzdorf Holzdorf Overview Holzdorf is a military airfield south of Berlin which is home of the Helicopter Wing 64 by the German Air Force. For the most part, Holzdorf handles Helicopter traffic b...