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Sectorization and Airspace

Sector Berlin Departure

DBD 06.pngDBD 24.png

Station ID
Berlin Departure Nord
DBDN 120.340
Berlin Departure Süd DBDS 120.630 EDDB_S_DEP

Both frequencies shall be cross-coupled by the responsible controller. 

ARSAP Overflow Area

The ARSAP Overflow Area may be activated on request by EDWW sector FLG during periods of high traffic. This will raise the vertical limit of sectors DBDN/DBDS east of EDDB from FL165 to FL235 to transfer departures from EDDB via ARSAP to EPWW sector D directly. 

During the activity of the ARSAP Overflow Area, full ATS is delegated from FLG to DBDN/DBDS within this area.

EDDB ARSAP Overflow Area.png

Due to Euroscope limitations, sectors DBDN and DBDS shall select any runway for EDAE in the active runway dialogue to activate the ARSAP Overflow Area. In addition, sectors BOR, FLG and MAR shall also select a runway at EDAE to generate correct sector predictions. This is the only way to delegate this airspace from sector FLG to sectors DBDN/DBDS. 

Sector DBDS is responsible for transferring aircraft via ARSAP to EPWW sector D according to the LoA between EDWW and EPWW:

Aerodromes COP Level Special Conditions To Sector
Outbound from EDDB ARSAP ↑FL170-FL230 Odd levels below FL230 will only be used when required for separation purposes. DBDS may transfer departures EDDB on top of each other. EPWW-D
Inbound to EPPO, EPZG ARSAP FL210 --- EPWW-D


All active ED-Rs displayed on the radar screen shall be simulated. ED-R4 and ED-R146 will be active 24/7.

Departing Traffic from EDDB

Modes of Operation

Independent Parallel Departures

Independent parallel departures shall always be used, except if the following requirements are not met:

  1. Parallel runways may be used for independent instrument departures as follows:
    1.  both runways are used for mixed arrivals and departures (mixed operation).
    2. Independent IFR departures should only be conducted from parallel runways when the conditions listed below are met:
      1. both aircraft are flying an RNAV or RNP instrument departure and
      2. ATS operational procedures ensure that the required track divergence is achieved.

In case departing traffic deviates from the departure route, the responsible tower controller needs to create separation immediately. 

Note: Vectored and visual departures are not approved for independent parallel departures



The meteorological conditions to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. wind shear;
  2. turbulence;
  3. downdrafts; and
  4. crosswind and significant meteorological conditions such as thunderstorms, which might otherwise increase deviations from the final approach course or track to the extent that safety may be impaired.

Dedicated Runway Operations (DROps)

In Berlin, dedicated runway operations will be used during the following conditions:

  • Low Visibility Procedures
  • Suspension of Independent Parallel Departures (e.g. due to CB, wind shear, turbulence, downdrafts, strong crosswind)
  • Special regulation of traffic flows (e.g. shuttle event)

For Berlin, the following runway configurations are preferred for dedicated runway operations:

  • 06-Operations: 06L departures, 06R approaches
  • 24-Operations: 24L departures, 24R approaches

Departure Release

Departures do not have to be released by Berlin Departure unless:

  • Berlin Departure explicitly restricts departures by time, SID or until further notice
  • Departures out of the non-operational runway config
  • The first departure after a runway change
  • The first departure after an unplanned missed approach
  • After every departure route with the designator K, M or Z

Crossing Departures

As traffic may be departing independently parallel from EDDB, Berlin Departure is responsible for managing crossing departures (e.g. LOGDO2A vs. SUKIP3N). Close coordination with ACC sectors BOR, FLG and MAR is required to cross departures efficiently. Often, it is necessary to level off departing traffic to ensure separation during crossing. It may also be useful to assign headings to let departing traffic cross more expeditiously. 

Handoffs from Departure to Center

Traffic on the same or crossing departure routes needs to have at least a minimum separation of 3 NM before handoff to the ACC sectors.

Use the LoA for details on level agreements: 

Departures EDDB on SUKIP SIDs shall be transferred depending on the following airway:
- SUKIP Y206 BUREL shall be transferred to sector BOR
- SUKIP M748 SOGMA shall be transferred to sector MAR


During a departure split, both sectors are not allowed to give instructions to aircraft to cross the other's sector. Coordination is always necessary!

Check the LoA for the handoff level between DBDN and DBDS: 

Tactical Directs

Tactical Direct Special Conditions From Sector To Sector
HLZ Only during 24-Ops DBDN
BUREL Only during 06-Ops
PODER Only with Destination EDDK and RFL above FL245
DENOL Only with Destination EDDL/EDLV and RFL above FL245

Noise Abatement

Due to Noise Abatement Procedures, it is only possible to turn aircraft off the published procedure when above a certain altitude.

  • Jets: 5000ft
  • Props: 3000ft

Missed Approaches

Missed approaches are being transferred from Berlin Tower to Berlin Departure. The departure controller shall coordinate the further routing immediately, once informed by Tower about the missed approach.  

Strausberg (EDAY)

Strausberg (EDAY) is an uncontrolled aerodrome located about 20 NM northeast of EDDB. Due to published IFR procedures limited service has to be provided for IFR traffic:

  • Approach clearance and approach monitoring
  • IFR clearance

Responsible stations

IFR clearance DBDN DBAN
Approach clearance DBAN DBAN
Approach monitoring DBDN DBAN

Approach Types

There is one published approach type available at EDAY: 

Available Approach Types IAF Altitude at IAF
05/23 RNP RENKI 4000 ft

Coordination is required with the station responsible for the approach monitoring prior to the approach clearance from DBAN. Airacft will be transferred to this monitoring station when on the published procedure. 

Schönhagen (EDAZ)

Schönhagen (EDAZ) is an uncontrolled aerodrome located about 15 NM southwest of EDDB. Due to published IFR procedures limited service has to be provided for IFR traffic:

  • Approach clearance and approach monitoring
  • IFR clearance

Responsible stations

IFR clearance DBAST DBDS
Approach clearance DBAS DBAS
Approach monitoring DBAST DBDS

Approach Types

There is one published approach type available at EDAY: 

Available Approach Types IAF Altitude at IAF
25 RNP MOSEX 3000 ft or 4000 ft, depending on MVA
07 Only RNP 25 followed by circling runway 07 is available.

Due to the crossing of EDDB D(CTR), Berlin Tower shall be informed about every approach on runway 25 at EDAZ.

Coordination is required with the station responsible for the approach monitoring prior to the approach clearance from DBAS. Airacft will be transferred to this monitoring station when on the published procedure. 

The station responsible for the approach monitoring shall inform Berlin Tower about the IFR arrival at EDAZ once this traffic joins the approach procedure and once this traffic has landed. 

Approaches EDDB runway 24L and IFR approaches EDAZ will be generally considered independent.