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Vertical Speed
This article describes the use of vertical speed (rates of climb and descend) by air traffic cont...
Ein Slot bezeichnet im allgemeinen ein bestimmtes Zeitfenster. In der Luftfahrt werden diese vora...
Bei der Verfahrensstaffelung (auch prozedurale Staffelung genannt) können sich zwei Luftfahrzeuge...
Diagramme zur S1-Ausbildung
Ablauf der S1-Ausbildung Ablauf Modul 1 Ablauf Modul 2 Ablauf der Module 3 und 4 Anme...
S1 Training (Minors)
To start as a controller and achieve your S1-Rating you are required to participate in the Vatsim...
Departing Traffic
Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a va...
Departing Traffic
Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a va...
Departing Traffic
Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a va...
Preferred operating direction The preferred runway in Erfurt-Weimar between 22:00-06:00 locall...
Ausschluss aus der Ausbildung
Ein Ausschluss aus der Ausbildung kann aus den folgenden Gründen erfolgen: Unentschuldigtes Fe...
Die Wahlmodule sind zurzeit noch im Aufbau.
Chief of Section Der Chief of Section S1 (CoS) ist für die Organisation und Durchführung der S1 ...
Lahr is a small airport in Southwestern Germany. It sees primarily cargo flights for the adjoinin...
Traffic at Paderborn/Lippstadt is usually characterized by GA (VFR) traffic and holiday flights, ...
Traffic at the airport is usually characterized by VFR and holiday flights, mixed with some sched...
Traffic at Dortmund is usually characterized by low cost and VFR flights, mixed with some holiday...
Frankfurt-Hahn is located around 100 km West of the city of Frankfurt/Main and known for its low-...
Saarbrücken is an unrestricted airport and part of the S1 minor program. GND and TWR can be staff...
Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden is an unrestricted airport and part of the S1 minor program. All positions ...
Mannheim City is an unrestricted airport and part of the S1 minor program. TWR can be staffed by ...