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Karlsruhe UAC - Bremen ACC

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737

LOP Bremen ACC

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Langen EDDS - Stuttgart Airport

Stuttgart Ground is responsible for all ground movements at the airport (including pushback). Pa...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1627359

Commands, Aliases, and Shortcuts

ATC Software Euroscope Setup - FIR München

Commands Command Description .chat + click on tag F1 + C + click on tag Op...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1586741

Profiles and Features

ATC Software Euroscope Setup - FIR München

The EDMM setup offers two profiles:  TWR_PHX The profile to use when staffing positions up to T...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1586741


SOPs FIR Bremen ETSH - Holzdorf

On Moodle, a non-mandatory SOP Test can be found under ETSH - Holzdorf Holzdorf Overview Holzdo...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen ETNL - Rostock-Laage

On Moodle, a non-mandatory SOP Test can be found under ETNL - Rostock-Laage Tower/Ground Rostock...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


EDWW - Bremen Radar EBG BER

Sektor Berlin Arrival North/South - DBAN/DBAS Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg Airport

Sectorization and Airspace Sector Berlin Departure Station Station ID Frequency Logi...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg Airport

Sectorization and Airspace Sector Berlin Arrival Station Station ID Frequency Logi...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg Airport

Stations and AoRs Station Station ID Frequency Login Berlin Tower Nord DBTN 12...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg Airport

All aprons in Berlin are controlled by two Apron stations. The Main Apron (EDDB_A_GND) shall con...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDV - Hannover Airport

Area of Responsibility: The Hannover Arrival airspace reaches up to FL105 and covers several airp...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1357290


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg Airport

Berlin Delivery can be staffed as soon as there is Berlin Tower and Berlin Apron online. To open ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1468202


SOPs FIR Langen EDDL - Düsseldorf Airport

Der Turm (Tower) ist für die Regelung des Flugverkehrs auf den Start- und Landebahnen sowie in Pl...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1495699


SOPs FIR Langen EDDF - Frankfurt/Main Airport

Frankfurt/Main airport is one of the largest airports in Europe and the world. Together with Lond...

Updated 2 weeks ago by 1288197

Addendum (not relevant for VATSIM)

ATC English Coordination

In addition to Approval Request, Release and Reference, there are other types of coordination. Ho...

Updated 3 weeks ago by 1583954

Departure release

ATC English Coordination

At some airports it is necessary to obtain a so-called Departure Release from the radar station a...

Updated 3 weeks ago by 1583954


ATC English Coordination

Anything that cannot be handled with an approval request or a release falls under the coordinatio...

Updated 3 weeks ago by 1583954


ATC English Coordination

As defined earlier, the TRANSFER OF CONTROL takes place when crossing the sector boundary plus ha...

Updated 3 weeks ago by 1583954