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72 total results found

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDS - Stuttgart

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Arrival STAR assignment You can expect to be assigned one of the RNAV transitions corresponding to the runway in use. All RNAV transitions for Stuttgart have altitu...

Departing Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a valid route. Parking positions named with A are for heavy aircraft Parking positions named with R are taxi-out positions, pushback is not required Delivery –...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

Radar – Descend Always check the ATIS and report the current letter to Bremen Radar during your initial call. In the ATIS you will find the active landing runway and the approach type you can expect. During the initial descend Bremen Radar will assign the app...

VFR Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

As you can see on the map Hannover has 7 Visual Reporting Points (VRPs). When entering or leaving the CTR please use the VRPs. State your desired VRP when contacting ATC. Control Zone Hannover Airport and Wunstorf - © VRP N1 N2 E1...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

IFR Charts for Hannover Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts for Germany can be found at:- DFS VFR AIP - EDDV- DFS VFR AIP (Overview)-  Airport Scenery Sim F...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDW - Bremen

IFR Charts for Bremen Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts for Germany can be found at:- DFS VFR AIP - EDDW- DFS VFR AIP (Overview)-  Airport Scenery Sim Fre...

Departing Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDW - Bremen

Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a valid route. Stand 12A and 18A are the only suitable stands for heavy aircraft Airbus hangars are north of taxiway F between E and intersection F Delivery – C...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDW - Bremen

Radar – Descend Always check the ATIS and report the current letter to the Arrival Controller during your initial call. In the ATIS you will find the active landing runway and the approach type you can expect. Holding You can expect the following holdings i...

VFR Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDW - Bremen

As you can see on the map Bremen has 4 Visual Reporting Points (VRPs). When entering or leaving the CTR please use the VRPs. State your desired VRP when contacting ATC. Cross VRP in Bremen 2000ft or below. Control Zone Bremen - © VRP...

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDFH - Frankfurt Hahn

A380 parking positions Frankfurt-Hahn does not serve A380 aircraft in the real world, but as an airport that regularly sees large cargo aircraft it has some cargo stands that are large enough to park the aircraft. To maintain realism and prevent inconvenience...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDFH - Frankfurt Hahn

Frankfurt-Hahn does not serve A380 aircraft in the real world, but as an airport that regularly sees large cargo aircraft it has some cargo stands that are large enough to park the aircraft. To maintain realism and prevent inconveniences for controllers and ...

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDR - Saarbrücken

Saarbrücken is not equipped to handle A380 aircraft. To maintain realism and prevent inconveniences for controllers and other pilots, we ask pilots to choose a different airport when flying the A380. Start-Up and Enroute (IFR) Clearance In Germany you have t...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDR - Saarbrücken

Saarbrücken is not equipped to handle A380 aircraft. To maintain realism and prevent inconveniences for controllers and other pilots, we ask pilots to choose a different airport when flying the A380. Arrival There are no Stars available at Saarbrücken. There...

Departing from Munich

Airports München FIR - EDMM EDDM - München

Due to ongoing construction on Apron 1, please do not spawn on positions 101–109 and 141–144.  Delivery Call München Delivery for en-route and startup clearance. Your clearance will look something like this: ATC: CALLSIGN, (startup approved) cleared to DE...

Arriving in Munich

Airports München FIR - EDMM EDDM - München

Arrival Regardless of your filed flight plan and any arrival contained therein, your en-route clearance ends at the clearance limit! You are not cleared to fly the filed arrival (nor will you be, see below).The clearance limits for EDDM arrivals are: BETOS, N...

Parking Positions

Airports München FIR - EDMM EDDM - München

Parking There are three main parts of the apron, Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and the Cargo area. Terminal 1 Terminal 1 is used for all airlines not part of the Star Alliance. The northern part of Terminal 1 is under constructions. Stands 101-109 should not b...


SOPs FIR München

Voraussetzung für das Schalten der ATIS ist das Einloggen auf eine Station des jeweiligen Airports. Danach kann über einen Klick auf den (zuletzt aktiven) ATIS-Designator, in diesem konkreten Fall "K", der ATIS Setup Dialog aufgerufen werden:  Dieser öffnet...

DeIcing München

München FIR (EDMM)

Vorwort Die Flieger werden immer anspruchsvoller und komplexer, es gibt immer mehr Plugins die nah an der Realität dran sind und es gibt immer mehr Interesse reale Verfahren bei uns zu implementieren - deshalb soll hiermit mal das Thema "Enteisen / Deicing" b...

VFR Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDF - Frankfurt/Main

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Frankfurt/Main’s airspace and amount of jetliner traffic make the airport very unsuitable for VFR traffic in the real world. As there is a high level of traffic on VAT...

Registrierung Vatsim


Wie werde ich virtueller Fluglotse? Selbst für einen virtuellen Fluglotsen ist eine Menge Wissen und Können erforderlich. Die folgenden Zeilen sollen dir einen Überblick geben, auf was du Dich einlässt und dir gleichzeitig aufzeigen, was die ersten Schritte s...