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Übergabe Approach / Feeder / Center
Während der Artikel Übergabe Tower das West-Prinzip bereits eingehend beleuchtet, wird in diesem Artikel eine praktikablere Methode für den Approach und Center-Bereich vorgestellt. Weiterhin ist parallel das West-Prinzip natürlich anwendbar, birgt aber Risiken...
Aufgabenbereich Apron / Ground
Unterschied Apron vs. Ground Apron und Ground, zwei auf den ersten Blick ähnliche Begriffe: Auch auf den zweiten Blick unterscheiden sich die beiden kaum. Ground ist nur für den Rollverkehr in allen Bereichen außerhalb des Vorfelds (Bereich der Parkpositione...
Wake Turbulence Category
Description The ICAO wake turbulence category (WTC) is entered in the appropriate single character wake turbulence category indicator in Item 9 of the ICAO model flight plan form and is based on the maximum certificated take-off mass, as follows: J (Super)...
Before staffing this airport for the first time:Obtain a successful grade at the self-enrollment Moodle course: EDDW - Bremen Tower. Bremen ATC Stations Station Station ID Login Frequency Remark ATIS ADW EDDW_ATIS 132.380 -- Ground D...
Bremen Ground is responsible for all IFR clearances as well as for all pushback and taxi clearances. IFR Clearance Departure Routes The following departure routes (SIDs) are available at EDDW: During 27-Ops, Bremen Ground shall use the Z-SIDs by default ...
Bremen Tower is responsible for all movements on the runways and traffic flying inside the Bremen CTR. Control Zone Bremen CTR reaches from the ground to an altitude of 2500 ft MSL. Bremen Radar (sector Friesland) is responsible for movements inside Bremen...
Sinnvoll eingesetzt ist Speed Control ein sehr hilfreiches Mittel um Flugzeuge zu separieren und Sequenzen aufrecht zu halten. Verschiedene Geschwindigkeiten Man unterscheidet in der Luftfahrt in verschiedene Geschwindigkeiten. IAS (indicated airspeed):D...
Closed Aerodromes
Berlin-Tegel (EDDT) and Berlin-Tempelhof (EDDI) are closed and shall only be staffed for designated revival events.
Das Bilden von Anflugsequenzen
Dieser Leitfaden soll neuen Approachlotsen einen leichten Einstieg in die Thematik bieten. Er enthält die grundlegenden Prinzipien und wichtige Tipps für das Bilden von Sequenzen auf dem Endanflug. Das detaillierte Wissen aus den Artikeln "Radarvektoren" und "...
EDQG - Giebelstadt
General Giebelstadt is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS procedures, we strongly recommend you inform yourself prior to flying to Giebelstadt as the concept is probably quite different from what you are used to here on VATSIM. To...
Lahr is a small airport in Southwestern Germany. It sees primarily cargo flights for the adjoining industrial districts which host numerous major international companies and charter operations or private flights often carrying passengers from or to the nearby ...
Lahr Tower is responsible for all enroute and startup clearances, ground and runway movements, and traffic within the Lahr CTR. Enroute Clearance SID assignment W- and X-SIDs should be used for all RNAV1-capable aircraft. Other aircraft shall always be clea...
Mönchengladbach Ground is responsible for all enroute and startup clearances at the airport as well as ground movements within the Ground AoR. Enroute clearance SID restrictions Waypoint Remark GMH only for flights with max. RFL140 KUMIK ...
EDAY - Strausberg
General Strausberg is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS procedures, we strongly recommend you inform yourself prior to flying to Giebelstadt as the concept is probably quite different from what you are used to here on VATSIM. Top...
Before you fly... Welcome to Lahr! This small airport primarily hosts cargo flights for the adjacent industrial area, but also sees occasional charter and business jet flights. Additionally, the nearby Europa-Park Rust, a popular theme park, attracts regular ...
Charts & Scenery
Charts You can find current IFR charts for Lahr on chartfox (requires VATSIM login). You can find current VFR charts for Lahr in the AIP VFR.For a better overview over the airspace structure around Lahr, we recommend openflightmaps. Airport Scenery S...
Departing Traffic
We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Preparation A thorough preparation is important for any flight. We ask you to conduct a thorough briefing to avoid delays and keep it fun for everyone. Route plannin...
Arriving Traffic
We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Arrival STAR assignment You can usually expect not to fly out your STAR and instead to get radar vectors. However, you should be prepared to fly the STAR followed by...
VFR Traffic
We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Lahr’s airspace and general traffic levels make the airport very friendly to VFR traffic in the real world. As this is similar on VATSIM, controllers will usually be a...
Anders als Towerlotsen können Radarlotsen nicht aus dem Fenster schauen, um Flugverkehrsdienste zu erbringen. Sie müssen sich auf Daten verlassen, die von sogenannten Überwachungssystemen gesammelt werden. Beispiele für diese Systeme sind das Primärüberwachung...