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Ramstein GCA is responsible for all airborne traffic within the Ramstein approach sector.

Ramstein GCA shall always inform the controller of EDGG sectors Pfalz and Neckar Low when opening and closing the position.


The airspace controlled by Ramstein GCA is class E which is lowered to 1000ft AGL in the majority of the area of responsibility with a small section of class E lowered to 1700ft AGL in the West.

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Airspace boundary

Ramstein GCA may use the entire sector up until the border except for the border with Langen Radar sector Neckar Low to which half lateral separation shall be kept. Langen Radar sector Pfalz is responsible for maintaining full lateral and vertical separation to the sector border.

EDDR/EDRZ departures

EDDR and EDRZ departures via TOMPI which climb at a very low rate may not clear the Ramstein approach sector. In these cases, Langen Radar will request an airspace crossing which shall be approved as soon as possible.

EDRZ arrivals

During 21 operations at EDRZ, all IFR approaches will have to cross the Ramstein approach sector. In these cases, Langen Radar will request an airspace crossing which shall be approved as soon as possible.

Departure procedures

Departure release

When Ramstein Tower requests a departure release for an aircraft that will not remain in the local pattern, Ramstein GCA has to obtain a further departure release for this aircraft from Langen Radar.

Transfer to civilian ATC

Handoffs for departures shall always take place before the sector boundary or before reaching BOLKI or TOLEY, whichever is earlier.

Arrival procedures

Transfer from civilian ATC

Handoffs for arrivals shall always be coordinated individually and then take place as agreed. Ramstein GCA should, whenever possible, approach civilian ATC with a proposal for the handoff ahead of time, but usually a DCT to XIDOD (26/27 operations), MAPIG (08/09 operations), or RMS (either direction) at 5000ft with a full release is the best solution.

Radar pattern

The radar pattern is always located North of the airport at an altitude of 4000ft or 5000ft AMSL and will be conducted entirely through radar vectors. This pattern is only available on explicit pilot request and when Ramstein GCA is separately staffed. Ramstein Tower will instruct the pilot to climb out straight ahead to the coordinated pattern altitude and initiate a handoff to Ramstein GCA within 3 NM of the departure end of the runway.

Ramstein Ground will request approval for a radar pattern clearance from Ramstein GCA. During this coordination, Ramstein GCA shall assign the pattern altitude.