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Wiesbaden Tower is responsible for all traffic on the runway and in the CTR of the airport.


Operating direction

The operating direction at Wiesbaden shall match the operating direction in Frankfurt/Main.

Runway crossing

Ground may delegate taxiway F to Tower. If taxiway F is not delegated to Tower, runway crossings have to either be coordinated or aircraft have to switch to Tower for the crossing.

"Wiesbaden corner"

Part of the Frankfurt CTR can be delegated to Wiesbaden Tower; this area is called the "Wiesbaden corner". It allows operations in the Southern traffic circuit without individual coordination with Frankfurt Tower.

IFR traffic


All IFR departures require a departure release from DFAN. Wiesbaden Tower shall hand off all IFR departures to Langen Radar as soon as possible.


Both runways have an RNAV and a TACAN approach and for runway 25, an ILS or LOC DME approach is additionally available.

VFR traffic


There are different outbound VFR routes with the same name. Which one the pilot has to fly depends on aircraft type and runway in use. Keep in mind that these routes are only published in the military AIP and pilots might not be aware of their names or restrictions; when in doubt, pilots shall be given the exact routing instead of the name.

The maximum speed for all outbound aircraft within 10 NM of the airport is 140 KIAS.

Route November
(07 ops)
Helicopters only
one way at night
Route November
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
EDNA (at 1000ft) - RESTSTOP - NIEDERNHAUSEN one way at night
Route November
(25 ops)
Helicopters only
exit South pattern on base - EDNA (at 1000ft) - RESTSTOP - NIEDERNHAUSEN
one way at night
Route November standard pattern
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
one way at night
Route November extended pattern
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
only on pilot request
approval by DFAN mandatory
clearance to enter airspace D required
Route Echo
Helicopters only
approval by Frankfurt Tower mandatory
frequency change to Frankfurt Tower takes place prior WEILBACH
Route Apache
(07 ops)
Helicopters only
exit South pattern on downwind - WEILBACH (at 1000ft) - NOVEMBER
deconfliction route by ATC only
approval by Frankfurt Tower mandatory
frequency change to Frankfurt Tower takes place abeam EDNA
Route Sierra
Helicopters only
exit South pattern at Southwest corner - BRIDGE - Ried VOR
avoiding built up area
Route Sierra
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
exit North pattern on base - BRIDGE - Ried VOR
avoiding built up area
Route Sierra
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
avoiding built up area
Route Whiskey
Helicopters only
WILLI (at 1400ft) - WANDA
Route Whiskey
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
exit North pattern on base - WILLI (at 1400ft) - WANDA
Route Whiskey
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
WILLI (at 1400ft) - WANDA

There are different inbound VFR routes with the same name. Which one the pilot has to fly depends on aircraft type and runway in use. Keep in mind that these routes are only published in the military AIP and pilots might not be aware of their names or restrictions; when in doubt, pilots shall be given the exact routing instead of the name.

The maximum speed for all inbound aircraft within 10 NM of the airport is 140 KIAS.

Route November
(07 ops)
Helicopters only
NIEDERNHAUSEN (at or below 2100ft) - RESTSTOP (at or below 1400ft) - EDNA (at 1000ft)
one way at night
Route November
standard pattern
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
NIEDERNHAUSEN (at or below 2100ft) - RESTSTOP (at or below 1400ft) - IGSTADT
one way at night
Route November
extended pattern
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
NIEDERNHAUSEN (at or below 2100ft) - RESTSTOP (at or below 1400ft) - RAILROAD
only on pilot request
one way at night
Route November
(25 ops)
Helicopters only
NIEDERNHAUSEN (at or below 2100ft) - RESTSTOP (at or below 1400ft) - EDNA (at 1000ft)
one way at night
Route November 
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
NIEDERNHAUSEN (at or below 2100ft) - RESTSTOP (at or below 1400ft) - EDNA
one way at night
Route Echo
Helicopters only
NOVEMBER (at 1400ft) - WEILBACH - EDNA (at 1000ft)
approval by Frankfurt Tower mandatory
frequency change to Wiesbaden Tower takes place between WEILBACH and EDNA
Route Apache
(07 ops)
Helicopters only
NOVEMBER (at 1400ft) - WEILBACH (at 1400ft) - enter South pattern on downwind
deconfliction route by ATC only
approval by Frankfurt Tower mandatory
frequency change to Wiesbaden Tower takes place between WEILBACH and EDNA
Route Sierra
Helicopters only
Ried VOR (at 1400ft) - BRIDGE (at 1400ft) - enter South pattern on base
avoiding built up area
Route Sierra
(07 ops)
Fixed wing only
Ried VOR (at 1400ft) - BRIDGE (at 1400ft) - enter extended right base
avoiding built up area
Route Sierra
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
Ried VOR (at 1400ft) - BRIDGE (at 1400ft) - enter North pattern on crosswind
avoiding built up area
Route Whiskey
(07 ops)
all aircraft
WANDA (at 1400ft) - WILLI (at 1400ft)
Route Whiskey
(25 ops)
Helicopters only
WANDA (at 1400ft) - WILLI (at 1400ft) - enter South pattern on downwind
Route Whiskey
(25 ops)
Fixed wing only
WANDA (at 1400ft) - WILLI (at 1400ft) - enter North pattern on downwind
Traffic circuit

Wiesbaden has three published traffic patterns: the standard Northern one (pattern altitude 1400ft), the extended Northern one (pattern altitude 2100ft), and the Southern one (pattern altitude 1000ft).

The Northern pattern is only available for fixed wing aircraft but exceptions may be granted by Wiesbaden Tower.
Only one of the two Northern patterns can be in use at any time. If only propeller aircraft are in the North pattern, the first aircraft to enter the pattern decides the pattern in use; if both jet and propeller aircraft are in the North pattern, the first jet aircraft to enter the pattern decides the pattern in use. The extended pattern can only be made available with approval by Langen Radar. Aircraft in the extended pattern will enter airspace D above the CTR, but remain on the frequency of Wiesbaden Tower.

The Southern pattern is only available for helicopters but exceptions may be granted by Wiesbaden Tower. The crosswind (07 ops) or base (25 ops) leg is abeam taxiway C. A pattern altitude above 1000ft may be approved by Wiesbaden Tower on pilot request.

CTR crossings

CTR crossings must take place along the published VFR routes and will thus have to cross above the airfield.