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SOPs FIR Langen ETNG - Geilenkirchen Airbase

Frisbee Radar is responsible for all airborne traffic within the Geilenkirchen approach sector as...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359


SOPs FIR Langen ETNN - Nörvenich Airbase

Nörvenich is a Bundeswehr base in Nörvenich. Originally built as an RAF base after World War II, ...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Langen ACC (internal)

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE: 16th May 2024 AIRAC 2405

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Brussels FIR (EBBU) - Langen FIR (EDGG)

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE: 16th May 2023 AIRAC 2405

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Langen ACC - München ACC

Langen FIR (EDGG)


Updated 2 months ago by 1288197

Maastricht UAC - Karlsruhe UAC

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE:  16 MAY 2024 AIRAC 2405

Updated 2 months ago by 1288197

Langen ACC - Bremen ACC

Langen FIR (EDGG)


Updated 2 months ago by 1288197

Scottish (ACC) - Maastricht (UAC)

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Updated 2 months ago by 1395737

Karlsruhe UAC - Maastricht UAC

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Updated 2 months ago by 1395737

Bremen ACC - Langen ACC

Bremen FIR (EDWW)

Updated 2 months ago by 1395737

Parallelbahnbetrieb | EDDL und EDDK

SOPs FIR Langen

Aufgrund des geringen Abstandes sind die Bahnen in Düsseldorf und Köln in Bezug auf Staffelung al...

Updated 2 months ago by 1424877

Parallel runway operation | EDDL and EDDK

SOPs FIR Langen

Due to the proximity, the parallel runways at Cologne/Bonn and Düsseldorf airport have to be cons...

Updated 2 months ago by 1272780

ATIS Codes

SOPs FIR Langen

Default ATISmaker URL$metar($atisairport)&arr=$arrrwy($atisai...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Event Coordinator

SOPs FIR Langen

RG Frankfurt Coordinators supervise a specific group of controllers during high traffic operation...

Updated 2 months ago by 1288197


SOPs FIR Langen EDDK - Köln/Bonn Airport

Runways The airport has three runways, two of which run parallel and one of which crosses two ru...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Arrival - Sector Eifel

SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Responsible for all arrivals and departures into Frankfurt/Hahn is Langen Sector Eifel (EIF). In ...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

Arrival - Sector Pfalz

SOPs FIR Langen EDDR - Saarbrücken Airport

The Langen Radar Sector Pfalz (PFA) is responsible for the arrival duties. He is responsible for ...

Updated 2 months ago by 1627359

München ACC - Langen ACC

München FIR (EDMM)

Updated 2 months ago by 1432304

Karlsruhe UAC - Maastricht UAC

München FIR (EDMM)

Updated 2 months ago by 1432304



Übersicht Radarstaffelung (engl. Radar separation) beschreibt einen horizontalen und vertikalen ...

Updated 2 months ago by 1583954